# $EPIC: disconnect.txt,v 1.5 2007/02/13 06:05:45 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __disconnect__ [ []] ======Description:====== The [[disconnect]] command disconnects you from an irc server but does not make the client [[quit]]. If you are on multiple servers, only the one server will be disconnected and the others are unaffected. Many irc server hostnames have multiple addresses. When you first try to connect to a server, the first address may get stuck and not let you on. You can use the [[disconnect]] command to abandon that address and try the next one. You can't use [[disconnect]] for this purpose after you've been accepted by the server (when you've seen the 001 numeric) Please remember that your channels and their affiliations to their windows are lost when you are disconnected from a server. ======Technical:====== The [[disconnect]] command takes the server from whatever [[server state]] it is in and immediately puts it in //CLOSING// and then //CLOSED//. The server is left in the //CLOSED// state. The [[reconnect command]] is similar, but does more. ======Examples:====== To disconnect from your current server: /disconnect To disconnect from server 2 in your server list: /disconnect 2 I'll be back later! ======History:====== This command first appeared in "plus 3" (post-ircII, pre-EPIC)