#$EPIC: do.txt,v 1.2 2006/07/26 19:47:17 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __do__ \\ __do__ { } [while ()] ======Description:====== __DO__ has two uses. In its first use it is a synonym for [[EVAL]], but it's a bad idea to use [[EVAL]] either. Its second use is a post-test loop. You are obliged to put your commands in curly braces and after the closing curly brace a [[WHILE]] expression. __DO__ .. [[WHILE]] loops always execute at least once. You must be careful to put the [[WHILE]] expression on the same line as the closing brace. If it is on the next line, EPIC will think it is a separate command. ======See Also:====== To force expansion of some variable $foo: /do echo the variable $$foo expands to $foo To run the same command in indefinite number of times, but at least once: assign blah 2 do { echo $blah is lower than 3 } while ( blah = rand(5) < 3 )