# $EPIC: fix_arglist.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/24 18:09:11 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis====== $[[fix_arglist]]([[arglist]]) ======Description====== Given an [[arglist]] that may contain errors, this function guarantees to return a string that can be used as an arglist. Because the insides of parenthesis are protected from expansion, you would still need to escape the parenthesis that must surround the arglist ======Example:====== alias oofda \($fix_arglist(channel ooga, boooya)\) { echo $channel, $booya } Note that the parenthesis surrounding the arglist are backslashed, because otherwise the insides are literal text and the call to [[fix_arglist]] would not occur. Note that parenthesis are not included in the call to [[fix_arglist]] but are included outside of it. ======History:====== This function first appeared in epic5-0.0.3