[[Welcome]] to the EPIC help file collection! Below is our master index. It is a work in progress. Eventually we will replace this with a very nice document. For now, feel free to follow the links and email jnelson epicsol.org to volunteer if you want to help! Anonymous editing of the help files is not allowed at this time. If you're new to EPIC, you can read [[getting_started]]. Enjoy! ======The most common commands===== |[[away]]|Tell the server you are not paying attention| |[[channel_command|channel]]|Join or associate a channel with a window.| |[[clear]]|Do a [[window clear]]; Display nothing in the window.| |[[ctcp]]|**C**lient **T**o **C**lient **P**rotocol: ask other clients for information. | |[[dcc]]|**D**irect **C**lient **C**onnection: talking with another user outside of irc.| |[[dcc_get|dcc get]]|Accept a copy of someone else's file. | |[[dcc_resume|dcc resume]]|Agree to continue downloading a file you partially downloaded already.| |[[dcc_send|dcc send]]|Extend an offer to copy a file to someone else.| |[[disconnect]]|Close the connection to a server| |[[encrypt]]|Initiate transparant encryption over any transport protocol.| |[[exit]]|Tell the client to shut down.| |[[ignore]]|Suppress display of stuff coming from people who you don't want to be bothered with.| |[[invite]]|Ask someone to join a channel.| |[[join]]|Join or associate a channel with a window.| |[[kick]]|Remove someone from a channel.| |[[knock]]|Ask to be [[invite]]d to a channel.| |[[lastlog_command|lastlog]]|Redisplay stuff that has previously shown up in a window.| |[[log_command|log]]|General purpose logfiles.| |[[me]]|Tell the channel what you are doing with a [[ctcp action]].| |[[mode]]|Change the mode of a channel.| |[[msg]]|Send a message to someone.| |[[nick]]|Change your nickname.| |[[notify_command|notify]]|Make the client periodically ask the server if certain nicknames are on the network.| |[[part]]|Leave a channel.| |[[query]]|Change the current target of a window to a nickname.| |[[quit]]|Same as [[exit]].| |[[reconnect_command|reconnect]]|Reconnect to a server.| |[[server]]|Connect to an irc server.| |[[topic]]|Change the topic of the channel.| |[[who]]|Ask the server for a list of who is on the channel.| |[[whois]]|Ask the server for detailed information about one person.| |[[whowas]]|Ask the server for info about someone who is not on irc any more.| ======Less common IRC commands===== |[[admin]]|Ask the server how to contact the server admin.| |[[connect_command|connect]]|Ask a server on the network to link to another server not on the network (oper only).| |[[ctcp_action|ctcp action]]|Tell someone or a channel what you are doing.| |[[ctcp_clientinfo|ctcp clientinfo]]|Ask another client what ctcp commands they support.| |[[ctcp_echo|ctcp echo]]|Ask another client to send you a string back.| |[[ctcp_finger|ctcp finger]]|Ask another client about the man behind the mask.| |[[ctcp_ping|ctcp ping]]|Ask another client to respond, to measure lag time.| |[[ctcp_time|ctcp time]]|Ask another client what time they think it is.| |[[ctcp_userinfo|ctcp userinfo]]|Ask another client for its user-customizable string.| |[[ctcp_utc|ctcp utc]]|Tell another client to insert the current time here.| |[[ctcp_version|ctcp version]]|Ask another client what software version it is.| |[[dcc_chat|dcc chat]]|Initiate a private conversation with someone outside of irc.| |[[dcc_close|dcc close]]|Terminate a dcc session.| |[[dcc_closeall|dcc closeall]]|Terminate every dcc session.| |[[dcc_list|dcc list]]|Show all of the dcc sessions.| |[[dcc_raw|dcc raw]]|Send data to a dcc socket connection.| |[[dcc_rename|dcc rename]]|Change the nickname associated with a dcc session.| |[[deop]]|Revoke your own irc operatorship privileges (oper only)| |[[describe]]|Tell another nick what you are doing with a [[ctcp action]].| |[[die]]|Tell your server to shut down (oper only)| |[[flush]]|Suppress display of stuff coming from the server when you're being flooded.| |[[hostname]]|Change your virtual hostname.| |[[info_command|info]]|Ask the client and server about the software you're using.| |[[ison]]|Ask the server if nicknames in a list are on the network.| |[[kill]]|Remove someone from the irc network. (oper only)| |[[links]]|Ask the server what servers are on the network.| |[[list]]|Ask the server to tell you about the network's public channels.| |[[load]]|Import and run commands from a file.| |[[lusers]]|Ask the server how many users and servers are on the network.| |[[map_command|map]]|Ask the server to show you the topology of the network.| |[[mesg]]|Permit or revoke global write access to your pty.| |[[motd_command|motd]]|Ask the server for the Message Of The Day.| |[[names]]|Ask the server about who is on what channels.| |[[note]]|Leave a message for someone when they are away (rare)| |[[notice]]|Send a response to someone's message.| |[[oper]]|Assume operatorship privileges (oper only).| |[[ping]]|Figure out how lagged you are.| |[[redirect]]|Redirect output that would go to a window to someone over irc.| |[[rehash]]|Ask the server to re-read its config files (oper-only)| |[[restart]]|Ask the server to shut down and restart (oper-only)| |[[rping]]|Send an RPING to the server.| |[[servlist]]|Send a SERVLIST to the server.| |[[squery]]|Send an SQUERY to someone.| |[[squit]]|Remove a server from the network. (oper only)| |[[stats]]|Ask the server for statistics (oper only)| |[[time_command|time]]|Ask the server what time it thinks it is.| |[[trace]]|Create a traceroute to a remote server (oper only)| |[[uping]]|Ping the server.| |[[userhost_command|userhost]]|Ask the server for a nick's userhost.| |[[userip]]|Ask the server for a nick's ip address.| |[[usrip]]|Ask the server for a nick's ip address.| |[[version_command|version]]|Ask the server what software it is using.| |[[wallchops]]|Send a message to channel operators.| |[[wallops]]|Send a message to all irc operators (oper only).| ======Commands====== |[[abort]]|Kill the client with SIGABRT (trap to gdb)| |[[alias_command|alias]]|Create your own commands| |[[allocdump]]|Write debug info about malloc()s to file| |[[assign]]|Create your own variables| |[[beep]]|Make your terminal beep| |[[bind]]|Tell the client what to do when you press a key | |[[bind_altcharset]]|Insert the char that switches your font between character sets. | |[[bind_backspace]]|Delete the character before the cursor| |[[bind_backward_character]]|Move the cursor left one position| |[[bind_backward_word]]|Move the cursor to the start of the previous word| |[[bind_beginning_of_line]]|Move the cursor to the start of input line| |[[bind_blink]]|Insert the char that toggles blinking| |[[bind_bold]]|Insert the char that toggles bold video| |[[bind_clear_screen]]|Do a [[window clear]]| |[[bind_cpu_saver]]|Ask the client to save cpu by doing less housekeeping | |[[bind_delete_character]]|Delete the character under the cursor| |[[bind_delete_next_word]]|Delete from the cursor to the end of the next word | |[[bind_delete_previous_word]]|Delete from the cursor to the start of the previous word. | |[[bind_delete_to_previous_space]]|Delete from the cursor to the first space before the cursor.| |[[bind_end_of_line]]|Move the cursor to the end of the input line.| |[[bind_erase_line]]|Delete the entire input line.| |[[bind_erase_to_beg_of_line]]|Delete from the cursor to the start of input.| |[[bind_erase_to_end_of_line]]|Delete from the cursor to the end of input.| |[[bind_forward_character]]|Move the cursor right one position.| |[[bind_forward_word]]|Move the cursor to the next word.| |[[bind_highlight_off]]|Insert the character that turns all highlights off.| |[[bind_next_window]]|Move down one visible ("split") window.| |[[bind_nothing]]|Perform no action (unbinds a sequence)| |[[bind_parse_command]]|Execute a block of code (provided as argument)| |[[bind_previous_window]]|Move up one visible ("split") window.| |[[bind_quit_irc]]|Ask the user if they really want to [[exit]].| |[[bind_quote_character]]|Tell the client the next keypress should ignore its keybinding.| |[[bind_refresh_inputline]]|Tell the client to redraw the input line.| |[[bind_refresh_screen]]|Tell the client to redraw the entire screen. | |[[bind_refresh_status]]|Tell the client to redraw the status bars.| |[[bind_reset_line]]|Delete the entire input line but don't save it in the cutbuffer.| |[[bind_reverse]]|Insert the character that toggles reverse video.| |[[bind_scroll_backward]]|Move backwards (older) in the scrollback buffer.| |[[bind_scroll_end]]|End scrolling back| |[[bind_scroll_forward]]|Move forwards (newer) in the scrollback buffer.| |[[bind_scroll_start]]|Move to the start (oldest) of the scrollback buffer.| |[[bind_self_insert]]|Insert the character itself into the input buffer.| |[[bind_send_line]]|Process the contents of the input buffer and reset the input buffer.| |[[bind_stop_irc]]|Suspend the client with SIGTSTP, returning to your shell.| |[[bind_swap_last_window]]|Do a [[window last]].| |[[bind_swap_next_window]]|Do a [[window next]].| |[[bind_swap_previous_window]]|Do a [[window previous]].| |[[bind_switch_channels]]|Cycle through the channels in a window.| |[[bind_switch_query]]|Cycle through the queries in a window.| |[[bind_toggle_insert_mode]]|Toggle between inserting before the cursor and overwriting what is under the cursor.| |[[bind_toggle_stop_screen]]|Do a [[window hold_mode]] TOGGLE.| |[[bind_transpose_characters]]|Swap the character the cursor is on with the character before the cursor.| |[[bind_type_text]]|Insert some text (provided as argument) into the input buffer.| |[[bind_unclear_screen]]|Do a [[window unclear]].| |[[bind_underline]]|Insert the character that toggles underline video.| |[[bind_unstop_all_windows]]|Do a [[window hold_mode]] OFF in all windows.| |[[bind_yank_from_cutbuffer]]|Insert into the input line whatever we last deleted into the cutbuffer.| |[[bless]]|Gain access to the local variables of the oldest [[wait]]ing [[atomic scope]].| |[[botmode]]|Detach from the pty run the client in the background. You are returned to your shell.| |[[break]]|Early termination of the loop; advance to the next command in the block.| |[[call]]|Dump the current script call stack to the window.| |[[cd]]|Change the client's current working directory| |[[comment]]|The no-op command.| |[[continue]]|Early termination of the current iteration of a loop; go back to the top and start the next iteration.| |[[defer]]|Run a command only when the client is not doing something.| |[[do]]|Post-test looping command| |[[dump]]|Bulk-removal of aliases, assigns, ons, etc| |[[echo]]|Display something to a window.| |[[eval]]|Expand variables in a statement again and execute it.| |[[exec_command|exec]]|Run unix commands in a subshell.| |[[fe]]|Iterate over a word list| |[[fec]]|Iterate over the characters in a string| |[[for]]|Multi-purpose looping command.| |[[foreach]]|Iterate over aliases or assign names in a structure.| |[[hook]]|Throw an [[on hook]] event.| |[[if]]|Conditional command.| |[[input]]|Get the user to answer a question with a modal prompt.| |[[input_char]]|Get the user to type a key with a modal prompt.| |[[license]]|Display the copyright and legal disclaimers.| |[[local]]|Create an assign that goes away when the alias is over.| |[[on]]|Register event handlers for certain types of hooks| |[[on_action]]|Hooked when people do [[me]] or [[describe]].| |[[on_channel_lost]]|Hooked when you stop being on a channel.| |[[on_channel_nick]]|Hooked when people change their nickname.| |[[on_channel_signoff]]|Hooked when people leave a channel.| |[[on_channel_sync]]|Hooked when you know everything about a channel you just joined.| |[[on_connect]]|Hooked when a server accepts you.| |[[on_ctcp]]|Hooked when a [[ctcp]] message needs to be displayed.| |[[on_ctcp_reply]]|Hooked when someone response to your [[ctcp]].| |[[on_ctcp_request]]|Hooked when someone sends you a [[ctcp]].| |[[on_dcc_activity]]|Hooked when you send or receive a packet via dcc.| |[[on_dcc_chat]]|Hooked when someone sends you a message over dcc chat.| |[[on_dcc_connect]]|Hooked when a dcc connection starts.| |[[on_dcc_list]]|Hooked for each dcc connection when you do [[dcc list]].| |[[on_dcc_lost]]|Hooked when a dcc connection ends.| |[[on_dcc_offer]]|Hooked when you offer someone a dcc connection.| |[[on_dcc_raw]]|Hooked when you get data from a raw socket.| |[[on_dcc_request]]|Hooked when someone offers you a dcc connection.| |[[on_disconnect]]|Hooked when you're not connected to a server.| |[[on_encrypted_notice]]|Hooked when someone sends you an [[encrypt]]ed notice over irc.| |[[on_encrypted_privmsg]]|Hooked when someone sends you an [[encrypt]]ed message over irc.| |[[on_error]]|Hooked when the server sends you an ERROR.| |[[on_exec]]|Hooked when an [[exec]] process writes to stdout.| |[[on_exec_errors]]|Hooked when an [[exec]] process writes to stderr.| |[[on_exec_exit]]|Hooked whan [[exec]] process terminates.| |[[on_exec_prompt]]|Hooked when [[exec]] process writes a partial line.| |[[on_exit]]|Hooked when the client is shutting down| |[[on_flood]]|Hooked when the client thinks you're being flooded.| |[[on_general_notice]]|Hooked when you receive any kind of [[notice]].| |[[on_general_privmsg]]|Hooked when you receive any kind of msg.| |[[on_help]]|| |[[on_hook]]|Hooked when you use the [[hook]] command.| |[[on_idle]]|Hooked once a minute when you're not pressing keys.| |[[on_input]]|Hooked when you use [[bind send_line]].| |[[on_invite]]|Hooked when someone invites you to a channel.| |[[on_join]]|Hooked when you join a channel.| |[[on_keybinding]]|Hooked each time a keybinding is executed.| |[[on_kick]]|Hooked when someone is kicked from a channel.| |[[on_kill]]|Hooked when someone is kicked off of irc.| |[[on_list]]|Hooked for each line when you do [[list]].| |[[on_mail]]|Hooked whenever you receive new email.| |[[on_mode]]|Hooked when someone changes the mode on a channel.| |[[on_mode_stripped]]|Hooked once for each mode change on a channel.| |[[on_msg]]|Hooked when someone sends you a private message.| |[[on_msg_group]]|Hooked when someone sends a message to everyone.| |[[on_names]]|Hooked for each line when you do [[names]].| |[[on_new_nickname]]|Hooked when the client needs a new nickname from you.| |[[on_nickname]]|Hooked when someone changes nickname| |[[on_note]]|Hooked when someone has sent you an offline message (rare).| |[[on_notice]]|Hooked when someone has sent you a [[notice]].| |[[on_notify_signoff]]|Hooked when someone you are watching leaves irc.| |[[on_notify_signon]]|Hooked when someone you are watching joins irc.| |[[on_numeric]]|Hooked when you receive a numeric reply from server.| |[[on_odd_server_stuff]]|Hooked when the server sends something that can't be parsed.| |[[on_oper_notice]]|Hooked when the server sends a message to opers.| |[[on_operwall]]|Hooked when someone sends a message to all opers.| |[[on_part]]|Hooked when someone leave the channel.| |[[on_pong]]|Hooked when the server responds to your ping request.| |[[on_public]]|Hooked when someone talks on a current channel.| |[[on_public_msg]]|Hooked when someone outside the channel talks.| |[[on_public_notice]]|Hooked when someone sends a [[notice]] to the channel.| |[[on_public_other]]|Hooked when someoen talks to a non-current channel.| |[[on_raw_irc]]|Hooked for every line we get from the server.| |[[on_redirect]]|Hooked for each line of output being redirected back to irc.| |[[on_send_action]]|Hooked for every [[me]] or [[describe]] you do.| |[[on_send_ctcp]]|Hooked for every [[ctcp]] you send out.| |[[on_send_dcc_chat]]|Hooked for every [[dcc chat]] message you send out.| |[[on_send_msg]]|Hooked for every msg you send to someone else.| |[[on_send_notice]]|Hooked for every notice you send out.| |[[on_send_public]]|Hooked for every msg you send to a channel.| |[[on_send_to_server]]|Hooked for every line you send to the server.| |[[on_server_established]]|Hooked when we connect to a server, before we register.| |[[on_server_lost]]|Hooked when we lose a server connection for any reason.| |[[on_server_notice]]|Hooked when the server sends you a notice.| |[[on_server_status]]|Hooked when the status of a server changes.| |[[on_set]]|Hooked when you use the [[set]] command.| |[[on_signal]]|Hooked when an OS signal is caught by the client.| |[[on_signoff]]|Hooked when someone leaves irc.| |[[on_silence]]|Hooked when someone has silenced you.| |[[on_ssl_server_cert]]|Hooked when an ssl server sends us its certificate.| |[[on_status_update]]|Hooked every time a status bar changes.| |[[on_switch_channels]]|Hooked every time you change the current channel.| |[[on_switch_windows]]|Hooked every time you change the current window.| |[[on_timer]]|Hooked at the top of every minute.| |[[on_topic]]|Hooked when someone changes the topic of a channel.| |[[on_unknown_command]]|Hooked when you run a command that isn't builtin or an alias.| |[[on_unload]]|Hooked when the user does an [[unload]].| |[[on_wall]]|Hooked when someone does a WALL (rare).| |[[on_wallop]]|Hooked when someone does a wallop.| |[[on_who]]|Hooked for each line of a [[who]] reply.| |[[on_window]]|Hooked for each line of output to a window.| |[[on_window_beforekill]]|Hooked just before a window is killed.| |[[on_window_command]]|Hooked for each operation of a [[window]] command.| |[[on_window_create]]|Hooked when you create a new window.| |[[on_window_kill]]|Hooked after a window has been destroyed.| |[[on_window_notified]]|Hooked when a hidden window that is notifying has output.| |[[on_window_server]]|Hooked when a window changes its server association.| |[[on_yell]]|Hooked when the client outputs a diagnostic message.| |[[package]]|Tag aliases, assigns, ons, etc, as belonging to a package group that can be [[unload]]ed later.| |[[parsekey]]|Execute a keybinding by name.| |[[pause]]|Nonblocking sleep for a time, or until the user presses a key.| |[[perl_command|perl]]|Run something in a perl interpreter.| |[[pop_command|pop]]|Remove the last word from a variable.| |[[pretend]]|Pretend the server just sent the client a string.| |[[push_command|push]]|Add a word to the end of a variable.| |[[queue]]|Add a command to a named queue for executing later.| |[[quote]]|Send a string directly to the server.| |[[rbind]]|Display all of the sequences bound to a keybinding.| |[[repeat_command|repeat]]|Execute some commands multiple times.| |[[return]]|Early termination of the current atomic scope.| |[[ruby_command|ruby]]|Run something in a ruby interpreter.| |[[say]]|Say something to the current channel.| |[[send]]|Say something to the current target.| |[[sendline]]|Pretend the user just typed this string at the input prompt.| |[[set]]|Change a configuration variable.| |[[set_allow_c1_chars]]|Whether to filter out chars 128-159 or not.| |[[set_always_split_biggest]]|Whether to split current window or biggest window for [[window new]].| |[[set_banner]]|The thing to display before system messages (ie, %%***%%)| |[[set_banner_expand]]|Whether to run [[set banner]] through the $-expander.| |[[set_beep]]|Whether to allow beeps or eat them.| |[[set_channel_name_width]]|How wide channel name should be on status bar.| |[[set_client_information]]|What we should send back for [[ctcp clientinfo]].| |[[set_clock]]|Whether to run the system clock (turning off breaks stuff!)| |[[set_clock_24hour]]|Whether the system clock should be 12 hour or 24 hour.| |[[set_clock_format]]|What strftime() format to use to make the system clock.| |[[set_clock_interval]]|How often to update the system clock.| |[[set_cmdchars]]|What characters are used before a command (ie, %%/%%)| |[[set_comment_hack]]|Whether to allow comments in the standard loader in the middle of lines.| |[[set_continued_line]]|What to prefix before broken-up physical lines.| |[[set_cpu_saver_after]]|Turn on cpu saver mode after this many minutes idle.| |[[set_cpu_saver_every]]|Perform housekeeping this many seconds when in cpu saver mode. (Values < 60 are pointless.)| |[[set_current_window_level]]|Assume the current window always owns these levels, overruling the window levels.| |[[set_dcc_auto_send_rejects]]|Send a DCC REJECT to the other peer when you close a dcc.| |[[set_dcc_dequote_filenames]]|De-urlifiy filenames offered; this permits filenames with spaces.| |[[set_dcc_long_pathnames]]|Show the full path, or just the filename, in [[dcc list]].| |[[set_dcc_sliding_window]]|Tweak speed of [[dcc sends]].| |[[set_dcc_store_path]]|Where to save files others offer you.| |[[set_dcc_use_gateway_addr]]|Whether your client is in your router's DMZ.| |[[set_debug]]|Get help debugging your script.| |[[set_default_realname]]|The value we send to the server for your IRCNAME| |[[set_default_username]]|The value we sent to the server for your username| |[[set_dispatch_unknown_commands]]|Whether to bother the server with your typos.| |[[set_display]]|Whether to suppress output to windows.| |[[set_do_notify_immediately]]|Whether to immediately [[ison]] when changing your notify list.| |[[set_floating_point_math]]|Whether to do math in floating point.| |[[set_floating_point_precision]]|How many decimal places to return for floating point numbers.| |[[set_flood_after]]|How many lines to receive before checking flooding rate| |[[set_flood_ignore]]|Whether to ignore people flooding you| |[[set_flood_maskuser]]|How to determine what one flooder is| |[[set_flood_rate]]|How many lines per second constitutes a flood (numerator)| |[[set_flood_rate_per]]|How many lines per second constitutes a flood (denominator)| |[[set_flood_users]]|How many different flooders to check| |[[set_flood_warning]]|Whether to outupt a message when being flooded.| |[[set_hide_private_channels]]|Whether to hide the channel name on the status bar.| |[[set_high_bit_escape]]|Whether to treat 8 bit chars as escape+7 bit char.| |[[set_hold_interval]]|The default [[window hold_interval]] value.| |[[set_hold_mode]]|The default [[window hold_mode]] value.| |[[set_hold_slider]]|The default [[window hold_slider]] value.| |[[set_indent]]|Whether to indent broken lines.| |[[set_input_prompt]]|What prompt to use in the input line.| |[[set_insert_mode]]|Whether to insert before or overwrite the char under the cursor.| |[[set_key_interval]]|How many milliseconds until ambiguous keybindings time out.| |[[set_lastlog]]|What the default [[window lastlog]] size should be.| |[[set_lastlog_level]]|What the default [[window lastlog_level]] should be.| |[[set_lastlog_rewrite]]|Set a default value for [[LASTLOG]] -REWRITE| |[[set_load_path]]|Where to look for [[load]] files.| |[[set_log]]|Whether to write everything displayed to the global logfile.| |[[set_log_rewrite]]|Rewrite stuff before it is written to the global logfile.| |[[set_logfile]]|The default global logfile name.| |[[set_mail]]|How your mail should be checked.| |[[set_mail_interval]]|How often your mail should be checked.| |[[set_mail_type]]|What kind of mailbox you have.| |[[set_mangle_display]]|How to mangle stuff before we write it to the screen.| |[[set_mangle_inbound]]|How to mangle stuff we receive from the server.| |[[set_mangle_logfiles]]|How to mangle stuff we are writing to a logfile.| |[[set_mangle_outbound]]|How to mangle stuff we are sending to the server.| |[[set_metric_time]]|Whether to use regular (minute) or metric (milliday) units for the clock.| |[[set_mirc_broken_dcc_resume]]|Whether to turn on [[dcc resume]].| |[[set_mode_stripper]]|Whether to turn on [[on mode_stripped]].| |[[set_new_server_lastlog_level]]|What level to give a window when you do [[window server]] to a new server.| |[[set_no_control_log]]|Whether control character should be stripped from stuff being written to logfiles.| |[[set_no_ctcp_flood]]|Whether the client should ignore ctcps that come too fast.| |[[set_no_fail_disconnect]]|Whether the client should disconnect from server when writes fail.| |[[set_notify]]|Whether the client should check occasionally for nicknames on irc.| |[[set_notify_interval]]|How often the client should check for [[notify]] nicknames.| |[[set_notify_level]]|What the default [[window notify_level]] should be.| |[[set_notify_on_termination]]|Whether to tell you that an [[exec]] process has finished.| |[[set_notify_userhost_automatic]]|Whether the notify system should ask for userhosts before telling you a nick is online.| |[[set_num_of_whowas]]|How many whowas entries to ask the server for.| |[[set_old_math_parser]]|Turn on the old (legacy) math parser.| |[[set_old_server_lastlog_level]]|Resolve level conflicts when merging a window onto an already connected server.| |[[set_output_rewrite]]|How output should be rewritten before it's displayed.| |[[set_pad_char]]|What char we should use for $[num]var expandos.| |[[set_quit_message]]|What the default quit message should be.| |[[set_random_source]]|What random number generator we should use.| |[[set_realname]]|What the realname is we send to the server when you connect.| |[[set_screen_options]]|What flags should be passed to gnu screen.| |[[set_scroll_lines]]|How many lines the display should scroll when new output occurs in a full window.| |[[set_scrollback]]|How big the default window scrollback size is.| |[[set_scrollback_ratio]]|How much (percentage) each scroll back or scroll forward moves the display| |[[set_shell]]|Which shell should be used for [[exec]]| |[[set_shell_flags]]|Which flags should be passed to your shell.| |[[set_shell_limit]]|How many lines of output from an [[exec]] process before we shut it down.| |[[set_show_channel_names]]|Whether to show the channel roster when joining a channel.| |[[set_show_end_of_msgs]]|Whether to hook end-of-message events.| |[[set_show_numerics]]|Whether to show the numeric or [[set banner]] in numeric replies.| |[[set_show_status_all]]|Whether some status expandos show only in current window status or all window status.| |[[set_show_who_hopcount]]|Whether to show the server hopcount in who replies.| |[[set_status_away]]|How %A looks when you are away.| |[[set_status_channel]]|How %C looks when you are on a channel.| |[[set_status_chanop]]|How %@ looks when you are a chanop.| |[[set_status_clock]]|How %T looks when the clock is on.| |[[set_status_cpu_saver]]|How %L looks when cpu saver is on.| |[[set_status_does_expandos]]|Whether to $-expand the status format.| |[[set_status_format]]|What the status bar should look like.| |[[set_status_format1]]|What the top line of double status bar should be.| |[[set_status_format2]]|What the bottom line of double status bar should be.| |[[set_status_halfop]]|What %@ looks like when you are a half-op| |[[set_status_hold]]|What %H looks like when youre in hold mode.| |[[set_status_hold_lines]]|How many lines you're holding in hold mode.| |[[set_status_insert]]|What %I looks like when youre in insert mode.| |[[set_status_mail]]|What %M looks like when you have mail.| |[[set_status_mode]]|What %+ looks like for your channel mode. | |[[set_status_nickname]]|What %N looks like for your nickname.| |[[set_status_no_repeat]]|Don't repeat the last character of status format.| |[[set_status_noswap]]|What appears when [[window swap]] is turned off.| |[[set_status_notify]]|The list of hidden windows that have output.| |[[set_status_oper]]|What %* looks like if you are an irc oper.| |[[set_status_overwrite]]|What %I looks like when you're in overwite mode.| |[[set_status_query]]|What appears when you have a query.| |[[set_status_scrollback]]|What appears when you are in scrollback.| |[[set_status_server]]|What the server name looks like.| |[[set_status_ssl_off]]|What appears when server does not do ssl.| |[[set_status_ssl_on]]|What appears when server does ssl.| |[[set_status_umode]]|What your user mode looks like.| |[[set_status_user]]|What %U looks like.| |[[set_status_voice]]|What %@ looks like when you're a channel voice.| |[[set_status_window]]|What the window refnum looks like.| |[[set_suppress_from_remote_server]]|Whether to append "(from remote.server)" when getting a server notice from a server other than your local server.| |[[set_switch_channels_between_windows]]|Whether to allow switch windows to steal another window's channels.| |[[set_term_does_bright_blink]]|Whether the terminal does bright blink.| |[[set_translation]]|Which translation to use between your server and your terminal emulator.| |[[set_translation_path]]|Where the translation files live.| |[[set_user_information]]|What to return for [[ctcp clientinfo]]| |[[set_verbose_ctcp]]|Whether to tell you if someone [[ctcp]]s you.| |[[set_word_break]]|What characters constitute breaks between words.| |[[set_wserv_path]]|Where to find the wserv program.| |[[set_wserv_type]]|Whether wserv should create gnu screens or xterms.| |[[set_xterm]]|Which program you use as xterm (ie, rxvt)| |[[set_xterm_options]]|What options you needed passed to your xterm.| |[[setenv]]|Change an environment variable.| |[[shift_command]]|Remove the first word from a variable.| |[[shook]]|Dispatch any arbitrary hook event.| |[[sleep]]|Blocking sleep of the client.| |[[stack]]|Save and restore copies of an alias, assign, on, set, etc| |[[stub]]|On-demand [[load]]ing for an alias or assign.| |[[subpackage]]|Add a segment to the namespace for stuff you [[load]].| |[[switch]]|Multi-path regular expression matched block statement.| |[[tcl_command|tcl]]|Run some command in a tcl interpreter.| |[[silence]]|Server-side ignores (not on all servers)| |[[timer]]|Run a command later.| |[[type]]|Pretend the user just typed a string.| |[[unclear]]|Pull down the scrollback so it fills the screen.| |[[unless]]|Reverse of [[if]].| |[[unload]]|Remove alias, assigns, ons, sets, etc from a [[package]].| |[[unshift_command]]|Add a word to the start of a variable.| |[[until]]|Reverse of [[while]].| |[[usleep]]|Blocking sleep of the client, less than a second.| |[[wait]]|Nonblocking suspending of execution until previous server request finished.| |[[which_command|which]]|Find the full path of a [[load]]ed file.| |[[while]]|Execute a block while some expression is true.| |[[window]]|Manipulate the EPIC on-screen display areas known as "windows".| |[[window_add|window add]]|Add a nickname to your query list.| |[[window_back|window back]]|Go back to the previous current window, swapping it in if necessary.| |[[window_balance|window balance]]|Make all the windows the same size.| |[[window_beep_always|window beep_always]]|Beep even if the window is hidden.| |[[window_channel|window channel]]|Change the current channel.| |[[window_clear|window clear]]|Scroll down so nothing shows in the window.| |[[window_create|window create]]|Create a new screen.| |[[window_delete|window delete]]|Remove a screen you don't want any more.| |[[window_describe|window describe]]|Let me tell you about your window.| |[[window_discon|window discon]]|Disassociate the window from its server. | |[[window_double|window double]]|Turn on the double status bar.| |[[window_echo|window echo]]|Output something to the window.| |[[window_fixed|window fixed]]|Forbid changing the window's size.| |[[window_flush|window flush]]|Delete the scrollback below what you see.| |[[window_flush_scrollback|window flush_scrollback]]|Delete the entire scrollback.| |[[window_goto|window goto]]|Switch to the window, counting from the top of screen| |[[window_grow|window grow]]|Increase the size of the window.| |[[window_hide|window hide]]|Remove a window from the screen.| |[[window_hide_others|window hide_others]]|Make this window the only one on the screen.| |[[window_hold_interval|window hold_interval]]|How often the status bar updates when holding stuff in this window.| |[[window_hold_mode|window hold_mode]]|Stop displaying stuff to the window, but save it in the scrollback.| |[[window_hold_slider|window hold_slider]]|How much to scroll down when you hit .| |[[window_indent|window indent]]|Overrule [[set indent]] for this window.| |[[window_kill|window kill]]|Delete a window you don't want any more.| |[[window_kill_all_hidden|window kill_all_hidden]]|Delete all of the hidden (invisible) windows.| |[[window_kill_others|window kill_others]]|Make this the only window left for the whole client.| |[[window_killable|window killable]]|Forbid the killing of this window.| |[[window_killswap|window killswap]]|Kill this window, and swap in an invisible window in its place.| |[[window_last|window last]]|Go back to the previous current window, but not if it's hidden.| |[[window_lastlog|window lastlog]]|How many logical lines of output to save.| |[[window_lastlog_level|window lastlog_level]]|What levels of output should be saved to the lastlog.| |[[window_level|window level]]|What levels of output should be sent to this window.| |[[window_list|window list]]|Describe all the windows.| |[[window_log|window log]]|Turn on or off the window's log file.| |[[window_logfile|window logfile]]|Change the window's log filename.| |[[window_move|window move]]|Move the window up or down on the screen.| |[[window_move_to|window move_to]]|Move the window to the Nth place, counting from the top of the screen.| |[[window_name|window name]]|Change the window's name.| |[[window_new|window new]]|Create a new window, splitting a visible window in half.| |[[window_new_hide|window new_hide]]|Create a new hidden window.| |[[window_next|window next]]|Swap the current window with the hidden window with the next higher refnum.| |[[window_noserv|window noserv]]|Disassociate the window from the server.| |[[window_notified|window notified]]|Toggle whether the window is notifying that it has output since it's been hidden.| |[[window_notify|window notify]]|Toggle whether the window should notify you when it has output while it's hidden.| |[[window_notify_level|window notify_level]]|Toggle what types of output cause the window to notify you while it's hidden.| |[[window_notify_name|window notify_name]]|What the window's name looks like on the status bar when it's notifying you.| |[[window_number|window number]]|Change the window's refnum.| |[[window_pop|window pop]]|Go back to the window you last [[window push]]ed.| |[[window_previous|window previous]]|Swap the current window with the hidden window with the next lower refnum.| |[[window_prompt|window prompt]]|What the input prompt should be for this window, if we are [[query]]ing an [[exec]]ed process.| |[[window_push|window push]]|Save the current window's refnum onto a stack.| |[[window_query|window query]]|Change the window's current query target.| |[[window_rebuild_scrollback|window rebuild_scrollback]]|Throw away the scrollback buffer, and rebuild it from the lastlog.| |[[window_refnum|window refnum]]|Change the current window to another visible window.| |[[window_refnum_or_swap|window refnum_or_swap]]|Change the current window to another visible window, swapping it in if necessary.| |[[window_refresh|window refresh]]|Redraw the window.| |[[window_rejoin|window rejoin]]|Join a channel on a window's server, putting it in whichever window claims it.| |[[window_remove|window remove]]|Remove a nick from the window's query list.| |[[window_scrolladj|window scrolladj]]|Whether to insert space at the bottom, or pull scrollback back down from the top when a window grows in size.| |[[window_scrollback|window scrollback]]|How big the window's scrollback buffer should be.| |[[window_scroll_backward|window scroll_backward]]|Go back some number of lines in scrollback.| |[[window_scroll_end|window scroll_end]]|Go to the end (newest) of the scrollback.| |[[window_scroll_forward|window scroll_forward]]|Go forward some number of lines in scrollback.| |[[window_scroll_start|window scroll_start]]|Go to the start (oldest) of the scrollback. | |[[window_search_back|window search_back]]|Go backwards in scrollback to find a string.| |[[window_search_forward|window search_forward]]|Go forwards in scrollback to find a string.| |[[window_server|window server]]|Change which server this window is associated with.| |[[window_show|window show]]|Make a hidden window visible (by splitting a visible window)| |[[window_show_all|window show_all]]|Make all hidden windows visible (by splitting visible windows)| |[[window_shrink|window shrink]]|Make a window smaller| |[[window_size|window size]]|Set the window size to an absolute value.| |[[window_skip|window skip]]|Can [[bind next_window]] move to this window?| |[[window_stack|window stack]]|Show the refnums saved on the stack.| |[[window_status_format|window status_format]]|The status line for a single line status bar.| |[[window_status_format1|window status_format1]]|The bottom line of a double line status bar.| |[[window_status_format2|window status_format2]]|The top line of a double line status bar.| |[[window_status_special|window status_special]]|What %. should be on this window's status bar.| |[[window_swap|window swap]]|Make this window invisible, and make a hidden window visible, taking its place.| |[[window_swappable|window swappable]]|Change you change the visibility of this window? (Ie, hide a visible window)| |[[window_topline|window topline]]|How many toplines show in this window?| |[[window_toplines|window toplines]]|Change one of the window's toplines.| |[[window_unclear|window unclear]]|Push down the scrollback so it's visible in the window.| |[[xdebug_command|xdebug]]|Change some internal debugging flags.| |[[xecho]]|Output to a window, with flags| |[[xeval]]|Run some commands, with flags.| |[[xquote]]|Send a string to the server, with flags.| |[[xtype]]|Type some text, with flags.| ======Functions====== |[[abs]]|Absolute Value of number| |[[acos]]|Arc Cosine of number| |[[acosh]]|Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of number| |[[after]]|Return string after a character| |[[afterw]]|Return words in list after a word.| |[[aliasctl]]|Low level manipulation on aliases and assigns.| |[[ascii]]|Convert strings to codepoints (numbers).| |[[asciiq]]|Convert url-encoded strings to codepoints.| |[[asin]]|Arc Sine of number| |[[asinh]]|Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of number| |[[atan]]|Arctangent of number| |[[atanh]]|Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of number.| |[[b64decode]]|Convert Base64 into a string.| |[[b64encode]]|Covnert a string into Base64.| |[[before]]|Return string before a character.| |[[beforew]]|Return words in list before a word.| |[[bindctl]]|Low level manipulation of keybindings.| |[[builtin_expando]]|Call a builtin-expando directly.| |[[ceil]]|Ceiling of number| |[[center]]|Pad a string with spaces to center it.| |[[cexist]]|Does a command exist?| |[[chanmode]]|What is the mode of a channel?| |[[channel_function|channel]]|Summarize users on channel (op, voice, nick)| |[[chanusers]]|Who is on a channel?| |[[chanwin]]|What window is this channel in?| |[[chmod]]|Change a file's permissions.| |[[chngw]]|Change a word in a word list.| |[[chop]]|Remove chars from end of string.| |[[chops]]|Who is a chanop on a channel?| |[[chr]]|Convert codepoints (numbers) into strings.| |[[chrq]]|Convert codepoints (numbers) into url-encoded strings.| |[[cipher]]|What cipher is the (ssl) server connection using?| |[[close]]|Close an [[open]] file.| |[[cofilter]]|Return words from 2nd variable, based on which words in 1st variable aren't matched by a pattern.| |[[common]]|Return words common to two word lists.| |[[connect_function|connect]]|Establish a [[dcc raw]] socket connection.| |[[convert]]|Convert a hostname to paddr, or paddr to hostname.| |[[copattern]]|Return words from 2nd variable, based on which words in 1st variable are matched by a pattern.| |[[corfilter]]|Return words from 2nd variable, based on which patterns in 1st variable don't match a string.| |[[corpattern]]|Return words from 2nd variable, based on which patterns in 1st variable match a string.| |[[cos]]|Cosine of number.| |[[cosh]]|Hyperbolic Cosine of number.| |[[count]]|Count the number of instances of character in string.| |[[cparse]]|Convert markup codes into color codes.| |[[crypt]]|Encrypt a string with crypt(3) (ie, DES)| |[[curcmd]]|The current ircII command or alias that is running.| |[[curpos]]|Where the cursor is in $L (the input line)| |[[currchans]]|All current channels for the server.| |[[dbmctl]]|External hash table support.| |[[dccctl]]|Low level manipulation of your dccs.| |[[decode]]|Recover a string passed to [[encode]].| |[[delarray]]|Delete an entire Karll array.| |[[delitem]]|Remove an item from a Karll array by item number.| |[[delitems]]|Remove items from a Karll array by item numbers.| |[[deuhc]]|Remove the wildcard part of a nick!user@host string.| |[[diff]]|Return the words that exist only in one of two word lists.| |[[encode]]|Convert any string into something you can use in a variable name.| |[[encryptparm]]|Return info about one of your [[crypt]] sessions.| |[[eof]]|Is the [[open]] file at end-of-file?| |[[epic]]|Returns 1, because you're using epic!| |[[exec_function|exec]]|Run a unix command in a subshell, returning three [[open]] fds.| |[[exp]]|Exponent operation (x %%**%% y)| |[[ferror]]|Does the [[open]] file have an error condition?| |[[fexist]]|Does a filename exist?| |[[filter]]|Return all words that don't match a pattern.| |[[finditem]]|The item number of any instance of an item in a Karll array.| |[[finditems]]|The item number of all instances of an item in a Karll array.| |[[findw]]|Return the first [[word]] index of a word in a list.| |[[findws]]|Return all of the [[word]] indexes of a word in a list.| |[[fix_arglist]]|Convert a string into something you can use as an arglist to an alias or on.| |[[floodinfo]]|Get information about floods being tracked.| |[[floor]]|Largest integral number less than or equal to number.| |[[fnexist]]|Does a built in function exist?| |[[frewind]]|Reset an [[open]] file back to the beginning.| |[[fromw]]|Return a words in a list starting with a word.| |[[fseek]]|Change the read/write position of an [[open]] file.| |[[fsize]]|How many bytes big is a file?| |[[fskip]]|Skip lines in an [[open]] file.| |[[ftell]]|Where in an [[open]] file am I?| |[[ftime]]|When was a file last modified? (mtime)| |[[ftruncate]]|Delete the contents of a file, but not the file itself.| |[[functioncall]]|Is this alias being called as a function or as a command?| |[[geom]]|What is the size of the screen?| |[[getarrays]]|Get the name of all active Karll arrays.| |[[getcap]]|Low-level capability information.| |[[getcommands]]|Pattern match command names.| |[[getenv]]|Get an environment variable.| |[[getfunctions]]|Pattern match function names.| |[[getgid]]|What is my primary user group? (GID)| |[[getitem]]|Get an item number from a Karll array.| |[[getlogin]]|What username am I running under?| |[[getmatches]]|A word list of all item numbers that match in a Karll array of strings.| |[[getopt]]|Process command line arguments.| |[[getpgrp]]|What process group am I in?| |[[getrmatches]]|A word list of all item numbers that match in a Karll array of patterns.| |[[getserial]]|Get a serial number that isn't in use.| |[[getset]]|Get the value of a [[set]].| |[[getsets]]|Pattern match set names.| |[[gettmatch]]|Return the best item match from a Karll array.| |[[getuid]]|What is my user id? (UID)| |[[glob]]|Pattern match filenames.| |[[globi]]|Pattern match filenames, case insensitively.| |[[hash_32bit]]|Convert a string to a 32 bit integer.| |[[hookctl]]|Low-level manipulation of your [[on]]s.| |[[idle]]|How many seconds since a key was last pressed? (Same as $E)| |[[ifindfirst]]|Return the **first** item number of an item in a Karll array.| |[[ifinditem]]|The index number of the first instance of an item in a Karll array.| |[[ifinditems]]|The index number of all instances of an item in a Karll array.| |[[igetitem]]|Get an index number from a Karll array.| |[[igetmatches]]|A word list of all index numbers that match in a Karll array of strings.| |[[igetrmatches]]|A word list of all index numbers that match in a Karll array of patterns.| |[[ignorectl]]|Low-level manipulation of your [[ignore]]s.| |[[index]]|Return the position of a char in a string.| |[[indextoitem]]|Convert a Karll array index number to an item number.| |[[indextoword]]|What word in list contains the 'index'th character?| |[[info_function|info]]|Return structured information about the client.| |[[insert]]|Insert a word into a string at the "index"th character.| |[[insertw]]|Insert a word into a list.| |[[iptolong]]|Convert a p-addr to a 32 bit long integer (for dcc).| |[[iptoname]]|Resolve the canonical hostname of a p-addr.| |[[irclib]]|Where is the standard irc library directory?| |[[isalpha]]|Does this string start with an a-z A-Z character?| |[[isaway]]|Am I away on a server?| |[[ischannel]]|Is this a valid channel name on a server?| |[[ischanop]]|Is this person a chanop (+o) on a channel?| |[[ischanvoice]]|Is this person a channel voice (+v) on a channel?| |[[isconnected]]|Am I registered to this server?| |[[iscurchan]]|Is this channel a current channel on this server?| |[[isdigit]]|Does this string start with a digit?| |[[isdisplaying]]|Is output being suppressed (ie, with %%^)?%%| |[[isencrypted]]|Am I connected to this server using ssl?| |[[isfilevalid]]|Can I use this fd in file manipulation functions?| |[[ishalfop]]|Is this person a channel half-op (+h) on a channel?| |[[isnumber]]|Is this string a number that is valid in this base?| |[[itemtoindex]]|Convert a Karll array item number to an index number.| |[[jn]]|Bessel function of the first kind of the order N. Um, yea.| |[[joinstr]]|Create a word list by joining words in each of 2 variables.| |[[jot]]|Create a list of numbers, suitable for iterating over.| |[[json_error]]|Return error string set by the last call to [[json_explode]].| |[[json_explode]]|Parse a JSON string and expand it into an assign variable structure.| |[[json_implode]]|Serialise an assign variable structure into a JSON string.| |[[key]]|What is the channel key of a channel?| |[[killpid]]|Kill a unix process.| |[[lastlog_function|lastlog]]|Search the lastlog and return matching lines as values I can pass to [[line]].| |[[left]]|Return the first N characters of a string.| |[[leftpc]]|Return the longest initial part of the string that contains N printable characters.| |[[leftw]]|Return the first N words of a word list.| |[[levelctl]]|Low-level manipulation of window/lastlog/flood/ignore levels.| |[[levelwindow]]|Which window owns this level?| |[[line]]|Return a line from the lastlog.| |[[listarray]]|Describe the contents of a Karll array.| |[[listen]]|Open a server tcp socket.| |[[loadinfo]]|What file is loading right now?| |[[log_function|log]]|Natural logarithm of a number.| |[[log10]]|Base-10 logarithm of a number.| |[[logctl]]|Low-level manipulation of logfiles.| |[[longtoip]]|Convert a 32 bit integer (from DCC) into a p-addr.| |[[mask]]|Normalize a string into a nick!user@host pattern for banning.| |[[match]]|Return the string that is best matched by a pattern.| |[[matchitem]]|The item number of the best string match in a Karll array.| |[[maxlen]]|Return the [[strlen]] of the longest word in list.| |[[metric_time]]|Return the current time in (days, millidays)| |[[mid]]|Return a substring of a string.| |[[midw]]|Return a subset of the words in a list.| |[[mkdir]]|Make a directory.| |[[mktime]]|Convert (Year,month.day.hour.minute.second) to a [[time]].| |[[msar]]|Multiple Search And Replace on a string.| |[[mychannels]]|What channels am I on this server?| |[[myservers]]|What severs am I connected to?| |[[nametoip]]|Convert a hostname to its canonical p-addr (ip address)| |[[nochops]]|Who is not a channel operator?| |[[nohighlight]]|Convert highlight characters to reverse chars, the way it's done on the input prompt.| |[[notify_function|notify]]|Low level manipulation of your notifies.| |[[notifywindows]]|Which hidden windows are notifying they have output?| |[[notw]]|Remove a word from a list.| |[[numarrays]]|How many Karll arrays are active?| |[[numitems]]|The number of items in a Karll array.| |[[numlines]]|How many lines on the display would this string take up if you [[echo]]d it?| |[[numonchannel]]|How many people are on the channel>| |[[numsort]]|Sort a string, honoring numerical order.| |[[numwords]]|How many words are in this word list?| |[[onchannel]]|Is this person on the channel?| |[[open]]|Open a file for reading or writing.| |[[outputinfo]]|What is the current output target and output level?| |[[pad]]|Add chars to a string to make it a certain length.| |[[pass]]|Remove all but certain characters from a string.| |[[pattern]]|Return all words from list that are matched by pattern.| |[[perl_function|perl]]|Run some code in perl.| |[[perlcall]]|Call a perl function (simple form)| |[[perlxcall]]|Call a perl function (advanced form)| |[[pid]]|What is the process id?| |[[pop_function|pop]]|Remove the last word from a variable.| |[[ppid]]|What is my parent's process id?| |[[prefix]]|What is the common leading substring on all of the words in a list?| |[[printlen]]|How many columns on the screen does this string take up?| |[[push_function|push]]|Add a word to the end of a variable.| |[[querywin]]|Which window claims this nick as a query?| |[[qword]]|Get a word from a list as a qword (so it can be used as a dword)| |[[rand]]|Get a random number.| |[[randread]]|Read a random line from a file.| |[[read]]|Read a line from an [[open]] file.| |[[realpath]]|What is the canonical pathname for this file?| |[[regcomp]]|Compile a regular expression.| |[[regcomp_cs]]|Compile a regular expression, case insensitively.| |[[regerror]]|Did this regular expression fail?| |[[regexec]]|Match a compiled regular expression against a string.| |[[regfree]]|Release a compiled regular expression.| |[[regmatches]]|Match a compiled regular expression against a string, returning all backreferences.| |[[remw]]|Remove a certain word from a word list.| |[[remws]]|Remove several certain words from a word list.| |[[rename]]|Rename a file.| |[[repeat_function|repeat]]|Repeat a string several times.| |[[rest]]|Return a string starting with a certain character position.| |[[restw]]|Return a word list starting with a certain word.| |[[reverse]]|Reverse the order of characters in a string.| |[[revw]]|Reverse the order of words in a string.| |[[rfilter]]|Return all of the patterns from a list that don't match a string.| |[[right]]|Return the last few characters in a string.| |[[rightw]]|Return the last few words in a word list.| |[[rindex]]|Return the character position of the last instance of a char in a string.| |[[rmatch]]|Return the best pattern from a list that matches a string.| |[[rmatchitem]]|The item number of the best pattern in a Karll array.| |[[rmdir]]|Remove a directory.| |[[rpattern]]|Return all of the patterns from a list that matches a string.| |[[rsubstr]]|Find the last instance of a substring in a larger string.| |[[ruby_function|ruby]]|Run some code using ruby.| |[[sar]]|Search And Replace a string in a larger string.| |[[sedcrypt]]|Crypt/Decrypt a string as though sending it to a person.| |[[serverctl]]|Low-level manipulation of servers.| |[[serverwin]]|What is the current window for a server?| |[[servports]]|Return the remote and local portnum for a server connection.| |[[setitem]]|Set an item in a Karll Array.| |[[sha256]]|SHA256 message digest of a string (Strong crypto hashing).| |[[shift_function|shift]]|Remove the first word from a variable.| |[[shiftbrace]]|Remove and return the {...} at the start of a variable.| |[[sin]]|Sine of number.| |[[sinh]]|Hyperbolic Sine of number.| |[[sort]]|Sort a word list case insensitively.| |[[splice]]|Remove some words, and insert new words, into a word list.| |[[split]]|Convert characters to spaces in a string.| |[[srand]]|Seed the random number generator.| |[[ssl]]|Was this client compiled with ssl support?| |[[startupfile]]|What file did the client load at startup?| |[[stat]]|Return info about a file.| |[[status_function|status]]|Get the status bar.| |[[stime]]|Human readable form of the time.| |[[strftime]]|Format the current time any way you want.| |[[strptime]]|Convert a string into a unix timestamp.| |[[strip]]|Remove characters from a string.| |[[stripansi]]|Convert codepoints 14-33 except 15 and 22 in a string to "safe" codepoints.| |[[stripansicodes]]|The same as $stripcrap(NORMALIZE $*)| |[[stripc]]|The same as $stripcrap(COLOR $*)| |[[stripcrap]]|[[mangle types|Mangle]] a string.| |[[strlen]]|The number of characters in a string.| |[[strtol]]|Convert a baseN number to base10, 2 <= N <= 36.| |[[substr]]|Find a substring in a larger string.| |[[symbolctl]]|Low level manipulation of aliases, assigns, builtin commands, builtin functions, builtin expandos, and builtin variables ([[set]]s).| |[[tan]]|Tangent of number.| |[[tanh]]|Hyperbolic Tangent.| |[[tcl_function|tcl]]|Run some code using tcl.| |[[tdiff]]|Number converted to hours-minutes-seconds (long form)| |[[tdiff2]]|Number converted to hours-minutes-seconds (short form)| |[[time_function|time]]|What is the current time, in whole seconds?| |[[timerctl]]|Low-level manipulation of [[timer]]s.| |[[tobase]]|Convert a base10 number to another base.| |[[tolower]]|Convert a string to lowercase.| |[[toupper]]|Convert a string to uppercase.| |[[tow]]|Return a word list up to and including a word.| |[[tr]]|Change characters in a string.| |[[trunc]]|Round a floating point numbers to a certain number of decimal places.| |[[ttyname]]|What tty am I using?| |[[twiddle]]|Expand a pathnames that contains a ~ for homedirs.| |[[uhc]]|Convert a string into a full nick!user@host format.| |[[umask]]|Change the default umask for newly created files.| |[[uname]]|Tell me about the unix I'm using.| |[[uniq]]|Remove duplicates from a word list.| |[[unlink]]|Remove a file.| |[[unshift_function|unshift]]|Add a string to the start of a string.| |[[unsplit]]|Convert a dword list into a uword list using a seperator.| |[[urldecode]]|Convert a string from url format into normal.| |[[urlencode]]|Convert a string into url format.| |[[userhost_function|userhost]]|What is the userhost of a nickname or current message?| |[[usermode]]|What is my usermode?| |[[usetitem]]|Set an item in a Karll array (faster)| |[[utime_function|utime]]|What is the current time, including usec?| |[[version_function|version]]|What is the server version?| |[[which_function|which]]|Path search for a file.| |[[winchan]]|Translate between current channel and window refnum.| |[[windowctl]]|Low-level manipulation of windows.| |[[word]]|Get a word from a word list.| |[[wordtoindex]]|Which [[index]] position does this word start at?| |[[write]]|Write a line to an [[open]] file.| |[[writeb]]|Write some binary data to an [[open]] file.| |[[xdebug_function|xdebug]]|Manipulate the xdebug flags.| |[[xform]]|Transform a string from one form to another.| |[[yn]]|Bessel function of the second kind for integer order n.| ======Scripts====== |[[2.8script]]|Full featured join/leave aliases, and an on 367 handler.| |[[activity]]|An example of how to use generalized activity handling.| |[[addset]]|Create and destroy your own [[set]]s.| |[[altchan]]|Implement - window switching like bx.| |[[autoget]]|Control what kinds of [[dcc get]]s you want to auto-get.| |[[autojoin]]|Automatically join channels when you (re-)connect to server.| |[[autoquery]]|Automatically create a new querywin when someone msgs you.| |[[builtins]]|Top-level script for compatability with EPIC4. Must load!| |[[chanmonitor]]|Displays output of non-current channels in hidden windows to a special visible window.| |[[commandqueues]]|Time-delay processing queues.| |[[country]]|Convert between country codes and country names.| |[[data_array]]|This is a work in progress.| |[[data_struct]]|This is a work in progress.| |[[dcc_ports]]|Specify a port range to be used automatically for [[DCC]]s| |[[debug.irc]]|Aliases to help you debug/tune your script.| |[[dump]]|Simulate the dump command from EPIC4.| |[[edit_topic]]|Edit the topic of the current channel.| |[[epic-crypt-gpg]]|A shell script to use with [[crypt]].| |[[epic-crypt-gpg-aa]]|A shell script to use with [[crypt]].| |[[files]]|Examples of what you can do with [[open]] files.| |[[floodprot]]|Implement outbound flood protection.| |[[functions_script|functions]]|Some utility commands and aliases.| |[[global]]|The script you should load in your epicrc.| |[[grep]]|An example of how to grep a file with [[open]].| |[[guh]]|A few aliases for userhost, ison, and channels.| |[[help]]|Peruse the old style help files.| |[[highlight]]|Imlement something like the old "highlight ignores".| |[[history]]|Command history. Must load!| |[[hold_mode]]|Fully enable ircII-like hold mode behavior.| |[[ison]]|Low-level interface to the ison queue.| |[[less]]|Peruse a file page by page.| |[[less-pipe]]|Peruse an [[exec]] process output page by page.| |[[loadformats]]|A theming facility.| |[[local.examp]]|An example of the local customization file.| |[[mail]]|Check multiple mboxes at once.| |[[man]]|A front end to the old help command.| |[[map_script|map]]|A client-side implementation of the [[map]] command.| |[[meta-compat]]|Backwards compatability for scripts that bound META keybindings.| |[[motd_script]]|A client side message-of-the-day script.| |[[netsplit]]|Handle netsplits and netjoins without flooding your screen.| |[[newaway]]|Only see other people's away messages once.| |[[newnick]]|Automatically generate new nicknames when server requires you to change your nickname.| |[[nickcomp]]|Automatic nickname completion for channel text.| |[[nopaste]]|Prohibit accidental paste flooding.| |[[notify_script|notify]]|A scripted implementation of [[notify]]| |[[paste]]|Allow a special paste mode for paste flooding.| |[[pipe_script|pipe]]|Implement the function [[pipe_function|pipe]] that returns the output from an [[exec]] command.| |[[reconnect_script|reconnect]]|Automatically reconnect to servers when disconnected.| |[[renumber]]|Automatically renumber your window refnums so there are no gaps.| |[[revdcc]]|Reverse dcc for those behind a firewall.| |[[save]]|Save your settings to a file you can [[load]] later.| |[[scan]]|Summarize the current channel.| |[[screen]]|Switch between windows like gnu screen does.| |[[setmail]]|Support multiple status formats for mail.| |[[slowcat]]|Dump a file to current target, very slowly.| |[[snip]]|Remove substrings from the start or end of a string.| |[[sping]]|Ping a server.| |[[suppressmotd]]|Don't be bothered with the server's motd.| |[[tabkey.ce]]|Crazyeddy's and Fudd's tabkey script.| |[[tabkey.jm]]|Jm's tabkey script.| |[[utime_script|utime]]|Functions for manipulating [[utime]]s.| ======Special Topics====== |[[about_epic]]|Information about the EPIC project and software.| |[[arglist]]|How alias argument lists look and work.| |[[arrays]]|How Karll arrays work.| |[[atomic_scope]]|Atomic scope and local variables.| |[[block]]|The basis of ircII syntax is the block.| |[[command_line]]|What options can I pass at the command line?| |[[commands_overview]]|What are all the commands?| |[[compile_opts]]|How can I tell what options were set at compiled time?| |[[copyright]]|What is the copyright and license for the client?| |[[debugging]]|How do I debug my script?| |[[default_keybindings]]|Information about what [[BIND]] -DEFAULT does| |[[disambiguation]]|A template file we use for disambiguation pages.| |[[environment_variables]]|What environment variables does EPIC honor?| |[[etiquette]]|How should I behave on irc?| |[[expando_substitution]]|How do $'s get expanded?| |[[expandos]]|Even more about how $'s get expanded.| |[[expressions]]|How math expressions work.| |[[flood_control]]|How does flood control work?| |[[functions_overview]]|What are the built in functions?| |[[glossary]]|This is a work in progress.| |[[graphics_chars]]|How to use alternate character set to echo box chars| |[[input_handling]]|How the client handles your keypresses.| |[[introduction]]|A crash course on using irc.| |[[ipv6]]|Things you need to know about using ipv6.| |[[ircii_syntax]]|How the ircII language works.| |[[ircuser]]|Why can't I just set my username to anything I want?| |[[karll_arrays]]|What karll arrays are and how they work.| |[[key_bindings]]|How you can represent keybindings.| |[[levels]]|All about window/lastlog/ignore/flood levels.| |[[lval]]|About lvalues, things you can assign values to (variable names)| |[[mangle_types]]|All about removing highlights in strings.| |[[math_operators]]|All operators and their priority and associativity| |[[memory_usage]]|What causes high memory usage and what you can do about it.| |[[new_user]]|A crash course to the absolute beginner to irc.| |[[output-help]]|How the client sends output to your emulator.| |[[pass-through_command]]|Commands that are set to the server directly.| |[[patterns]]|How wildcard pattern matching works.| |[[pf_loader]]|All about using the pf (pre-formatted) loader.| |[[programming]]|A crash course in ircII programming.| |[[quoting_hell]]|What is quoting hell and how do I make it work for me?| |[[random_numbers]]|How the client generates random numbers.| |[[regex]]|How regular expressions work in EPIC.| |[[referring_to_servers]]|How am I allowed to refer to servers?| |[[rules_about_number_arguments]]|How numbers passed to built-in functions are handled.| |[[security]]|Thinking about security in your script.| |[[serial_numbers]]|How serial numbers work for on hooks.| |[[server_description]]|What constitutes a server description?| |[[server_list]]|How to build your own server list file.| |[[server_numerics]]|How the client handles server numerics.| |[[server_state]]|All about the various server status states.| |[[signals]]|Signals that the client handles and what they do.| |[[space_character]]|What constitutes a space character?| |[[special_vars]]|Info about $ expandos, and a list of the inline expandos.| |[[standard_loader]]|All about using the std (standard) loader.| |[[start]]|This file!| |[[status_line]]|All you need to know about the status bar.| |[[text_hilight]]|Bold, and Underline, and Color, and Reverse, oh my!| |[[using_perl]]|What you need to know to use perl.| |[[using_symbolctl]]|Create your own sets, command completion, other neat stuff| |[[welcome]]|Welcome to EPIC!| |[[what_is_a_word]]|When something is a "word", what does that mean?| |[[window_activity_handling]]|How hidden windows decide when to tell you they have output.| |[[window_targets]]|What is a "target" and how do windows use them?| ======Disambiguation====== |[[alias]]| |[[away]]| |[[channel]]| |[[connect]]| |[[exec]]| |[[fe]]| |[[info]]| |[[lastlog]]| |[[list]]| |[[local]]| |[[log]]| |[[map]]| |[[motd]]| |[[notify]]| |[[perl]]| |[[pipe]]| |[[pop]]| |[[prefix]]| |[[push]]| |[[reconnect]]| |[[repeat]]| |[[ruby]]| |[[shift]]| |[[stat]]| |[[tcl]]| |[[time]]| |[[unshift]]| |[[userhost]]| |[[utime]]| |[[version]]| |[[which]]| |[[window]]| |[[xdebug]]| ======Non-existent stuff====== These things exist in EPIC4, but they don't in EPIC5. I need to do some work to point you in the right direction for replacements for these things. Many of the functions previously built in now live in the [[builtins]] script. =====Help files exist for non-existent scripts===== |[[alias_script]]| |[[altchan.bj]]| |[[autokick]]| |[[autoop]]| |[[away_script]]| |[[basical]]| |[[columns]]| |[[dcc_spacefix]]| |[[deban]]| |[[dns]]| |[[efnext]]| |[[events.hop]]| |[[events]]| |[[fake-dcc]]| |[[fe_script]]| |[[genalias]]| |[[hybrid6]]| |[[imap]]| |[[ip-to-int]]| |[[keybinds]]| |[[killpath]]| |[[kpstat]]| |[[langtrans]]| |[[list_script]]| |[[local_script]]| |[[mkpdir]]| |[[more]]| |[[mudirc]]| |[[netsplit.env]]| |[[newformat]]| |[[old-dcc]]| |[[prefix_script]]| |[[recursion]]| |[[repeat_script]]| |[[scandir]]| |[[sdiff]]| |[[silent]]| |[[sound]]| |[[starutils]]| |[[stat_script]]| |[[status_lag]]| |[[tabkey.th]]| |[[time_script]]| |[[tls]]| |[[vi-binds]]| |[[webster]]| |[[window_script]]| =====Help files exist for non-existent commands===== |[[bind_command_completion]]|Command completion handled by tabkey scripts | |[[bind_backward_history]]|Implemented by [[history script]].| |[[bind_forward_history]]|Implemented by [[history script]].| |[[bind_shove_to_history]]|Implemented by [[history script]].| |[[bye]]|Use [[quit]] instead. | |[[set_alt_charset]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead. | |[[set_auto_new_nick]]|Use the [[newnick]] script instead. | |[[set_auto_reconnect]]|Implemented by [[reconnect script]].| |[[set_auto_reconnect_delay]]|Implemented by [[reconnect script]].| |[[set_auto_rejoin]]|Imlpemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_auto_rejoin_connect]]|Handled differently by [[reconnect script]].| |[[set_auto_rejoin_delay]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_auto_unmark_away]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_auto_whowas]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_bad_style]]|This was never implemented. | |[[set_beep_max]]|The client only ever beeps once anyways. | |[[set_beep_on_msg]]|The [[builtins]] script implements this. | |[[set_beep_when_away]]|The [[builtins]] script implements this. | |[[set_blink_video]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_bold_video]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_color]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_command_mode]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_connect_timeout]]|Obsoleted by nonblocking connects.| |[[set_dcc_timeout]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_display_ansi]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_display_pc_characters]]|The client no longer supports non-8-bit terminals. | |[[set_eight_bit_characters]]|The client no longer supports non-8-bit terminals. | |[[set_full_status_line]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_help_pager]]|Implemented by [[help]] script.| |[[set_help_path]]|Implemented by [[help]] script.| |[[set_help_prompt]]|Implemented by [[help]] script.| |[[set_help_window]]|Implemented by [[help]] script.| |[[set_highlight_char]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_history]]|Implemented by the [[history]] script.| |[[set_history_circleq]]|Implemented by the [[history]] script.| |[[set_input_aliases]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_inverse_video]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[set_max_reconnects]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_meta_states]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_nd_space_max]]|There was never a point to this. | |[[set_notify_handler]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_random_local_ports]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_reverse_status_line]]|Implemented by [[builtins]].| |[[set_scroll]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_security]]|An obsolete setting.| |[[set_ssl_certfile]]|This was never impelmented.| |[[set_ssl_keyfile]]|This was never impelmented.| |[[set_ssl_path]]|This was never impelmented.| |[[set_status_truncate_rhs]]|This feature never really worked.| |[[set_suppress_server_motd]]|Implemented by the [[suppressmotd]] script.| |[[set_switch_channel_on_part]]|Channel stacking makes this a moot feature.| |[[set_tab]]|There was never a point to this.| |[[set_tab_max]]|There was never a point to this.| |[[set_underline_video]]|Use [[set mangle_display]] instead.| |[[window_bind]]|Auto-rejoin feature no longer built-in | |[[window_unbind]]|Auto-rejoin feature no longer built-in | |[[window_scratch]]|An obsolete operation. All windows are scratch windows.| |[[window_scroll]]|An obsolete operation. All windows are scrollable.| =====Help files exist for non-existent functions===== |[[fabs]]|Use [[abs]] instead.| |[[getppid]]|This was a mistake; the function is [[pid]]. | |[[igmask]]|Use [[ignorectl]] instead. | |[[igtype]]|Use [[ignorectl]] instead. | |[[lastserver]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[rigmask]]|Use [[ignorectl]] instead. | |[[rigtype]]|Use [[ignorectl]] instead. | |[[servergroup]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[servername]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[servernick]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[servernum]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[serverourname]]|Use [[serverctl]] instead. | |[[servertype]]|Use [[serverct]] instead. | |[[winbound]]|Auto-rejoin feature no longer built-in | |[[wincursorline]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winlevel]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winline]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winnam]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winnicklist]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winnum]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winquery]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winrefs]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winscreen]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winscrollbacksize]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winserv]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winsize]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winstatsize]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | |[[winvisible]]|Use [[windowctl]] instead. | The end!