# $EPIC: isconnected.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 03:40:36 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__isconnected__([]) ======Technical:====== This function tells you whether you have an active IRC protocol session with a server. This means you can send IRC commands to the server and expect it to respond. This corresponds to the server states SYNCING and ACTIVE. This returns the same value as $serverctl(GET CONNECTED) If you don't provide a refnum, the current server ($serverctl(FROM_SERVER)) is used. ======Returns:====== ^ Return value ^ Explanation ^ | 1 | is usable for your IRC commands | | 0 | is not valid, or it is not connected to an IRC server | ======Examples:====== if (isconnected(1)) { msg someone Hi There!;away I am away! Whee! }