# $EPIC: levelwindow.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/01 04:11:44 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__levelwindow__( ) ======Technical:====== * is, well, a server refnum (reference number) * is of the same format as /[[WINDOW]] [[window LEVEL|LEVEL]] * Only windows connected to the specified server are considered * The return value is the window refnum of one of the windows connected to that has one or more of the level descriptions. * To avoid ambiguity, it's best that only include one level. If you do $levelwindow(0 MSGS,PUBLIC), and MSGS and PUBLIC are different windows, you can't be sure which window you will get. * If no windows for the server claim any of the level descriptions, then the return value is -1. This is not as unusual as it might sound. Many script packs set all window's levels to NONE. This function would not be very useful in that kind of situation. * Since the [[DCC]] lastlog level is global, it is handled specially. The server refnum argument is ignored and any window refnum that has the DCC level is returned. ======Practical:====== This function can be used to figure out which window that an /[[xecho]] -level .... will go to. ======Returns:====== The refnum for the window that claims any of the lastlog level descriptions for the server specified. -1 if no window can be found that claims the level(s). ======Examples:====== $levelwindow(1 NOTICE) Returns the NOTICE window for server 1 $levelwindow(0 MSGS,PUBLIC) Would return either the MSGS window or the PUBLIC window, but you can't be sure which. ======History:====== This function first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.12