======Synopsis:====== __load__ [-args] [ ...] ======Description:====== The [[load]] command runs [[block]]s of code from a file. When you start up the client, it [[load]]s your ~/.epicrc file (assuming you didn't use the -q [[command line]] option. Each is searched for each of the directories in the colon-separated [[set load_path]] variable. can be an absolute pathname, or it can start with a tilde, and the client does tilde expansion. Loading using relative paths with sub-directories //load subdir/foo is currently supported but may not work the same way in the future, so its use is discouraged. Better to add "subdir" to the load_path and load foo directly. There are actually two loaders, the [[standard loader]] and the pf loader. The [[standard loader]] is the legacy loader and is used by most epic4 and all ircII/bx scripts. Its use is discouraged. The [[pf loader]] is supported in epic4 and epic5, but not in bx and ircII. ======Other Notes:====== A large collection of sample scripts is included with the client. Refer to Section 8, the Script Library, for more information.