# $EPIC: logctl.txt,v 1.10 2006/08/30 19:54:06 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__logctl__(REFNUMS [ACTIVE|INACTIVE|ALL]) \\ $__logctl__(REFNUM ) \\ $__logctl__(ADD log-desc [target]) \\ $__logctl__(DELETE log-desc [target]) \\ $__logctl__(GET [ITEM]) \\ $__logctl__(SET [ITEM] [VALUE]) \\ $__logctl__(MATCH [pattern]) \\ $__logctl__(PMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__logctl__(CURRENT) ======Technical:====== * $__logctl__(REFNUMS ALL) \\ Returns refnums of all logfiles * $__logctl__(REFNUMS ACTIVE) \\ Returns refnums of all active ("on") logfiles * $__logctl__(REFNUMS INACTIVE) \\ Returns refnums of all inactive ("off") logfiles * $__logctl__(REFNUM ) \\ Return refnum of logfile given its refnum or name. * $__logctl__(MATCH [pattern]) \\ Return empty string (unimplemented for now) * $__logctl__(PMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return empty string (unimplemented for now) * $__logctl__(ADD log-desc [target]) \\ Add a target to be logged to an existing logfile * $__logctl__(DELETE log-desc [target]) \\ Remove a target to be logged from an existing logfile * $__logctl__(GET [ITEM]) * $__logctl__(CURRENT) \\ Return refnum of logfile we're currently writing to. This function is intended to be called from within /[[set log_rewrite]]. * -1) Nothing at all is being logged. * 0) Something is being logged into a global log or a window log. * >0) Something is being logged to given log refnum. * $__logctl__(SET [ITEM] [VALUE]) \\ Supported [ITEM]s * REFNUM (GET only) The logfile's refnum * NAME The logfile's name * FILENAME The file we're saving the log to * SERVER The server we're logging. * TARGETS All of the target's we're logging * LEVEL The levels we're filtering the logfile on * REWRITE How we're rewriting each line of the log * MANGLE How we're mangling each line of the log * STATUS 0 if "off", 1 if "on" * TYPE What we're logging: "SERVER", "WINDOW" or "TARGET" * ACTIVITY The last $[[time function|time]]() the logfile was written to. ======History:====== The $logctl() function first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8. \\ ACTIVITY and REFNUMS first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.11.