# $EPIC: msg.txt,v 1.5 2006/09/01 02:43:42 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __msg__ [-server/] \\ __msg__ [-server/] \\ __msg__ = \\ __msg__ % \\ __msg__ / ======Description:====== The /msg command is how you send a message to someone else. You can send a message to another nick on irc, to a channel, to someone you have a [[DCC]] [[dcc CHAT|CHAT]] connection open with, to an /[[exec command|exec]]'d process, or to an EPIC command. You may use a comma-separated list (no spaces) to send a single message to more than one recipient at a time. You may freely mix and match each of the types of targets in any way you want. You may specify an another server when using /msg to send a message to a nick or channel. Use the syntax ///msg -server/nick//, where the //server// is server's refnum, full name or a group. There are three "magic" recipients. The comma (',') recipient is the last person to send you a message. The period ('.') recipient is the last person you sent a message to. The asterisk ('*') recipient is the current channel in your current window. These "magic" recipients may not be included with any other recipients in a comma-separated list; they must be used alone. There are never any restrictions on sending a /msg to an /[[exec command|EXEC]] target, a /[[DCC]] [[DCC CHAT|CHAT]] target, or an /[[alias command|ALIAS]] target. However, from within an /[[ON MSG]], /[[ON PUBLIC]], /[[ON DCC_OFFER]], or any other /ON that occurs because of a "PRIVMSG", the /MSG command (and other commands that send PRIVMSGs, such as /[[SAY]], /[[SEND]], /[[CTCP]], and /[[DCC]]) sends your message with a "NOTICE". The effect of this is that you cannot properly use /[[DCC CHAT]] or /[[DCC SEND]] from within these /[[ON]]'s. This requirement is specified by the irc protocol and is intended to prevent infinite message loops between clients. You may not always be able to send a message to a channel. If the channel mode is +n, you must be a member of the channel to send a message to it. If the channel mode is +m, you must be a member of the channel and also must either be a channel operator (+o) or a channel voice (+v) to send a message to it. The [[MODE]] help page talks about this in more detail. You may not always be able to send a message to multiple irc targets. Because of the spread of spambots/floodbots, some servers restrict the number of irc targets you can send a message to in any one message. As with every server restriction, what happens if you exceed this limit varies from server to server. ======Examples:====== To send a private message to your friend Buddha: /msg buddha hi there! To send a message to your current channel: /msg #channel how is everyone today? To send a message to a person on a connected server "irc.wh.verio.net": /msg -irc.wh.verio.net/booya boo! To send a message to the running [[exec command|EXEC]]ed process with id 2: /msg %2 exit To send a message to your friends buddha, booya (with whom you have a [[DCC CHAT]] running), and channel #foobar: /msg buddha,=booya,#foobar see you later! To send a message to an [[exec command|EXEC]]ed process named "mail": /msg %mail x