# $EPIC: on_connect.txt,v 1.5 2012/07/04 06:30:23 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[on]] []connect [] [-|^] { } ======Summary:====== Triggered when you're successfully logged into irc. ======Description:====== This hook is triggered whenever the client has successfully registered with an irc server. This hook differs from [[on server_established]] in that the [[on server_established]] hook is triggered as soon as the client establishes a TCP connection with a server. ======Parameters:====== |$0 |the server connected to | |$1 |the port number of the server connected to | |$2 |server name as reported by the server | ======Default Action:====== If you don't suppress this event, the client does not do anything. ======Examples:====== To display where the client has connected: on ^connect * (ourname, port, itsname) { xecho -b Connected to $ourname ($itsname) on port $port; }; ======History======