# $EPIC: on_part.txt,v 1.1 2006/08/26 04:03:56 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[on]] []part [] [-|^] { } ======Description:====== This hook is triggered whenever a client (the user's or any other) is observed leaving a channel (but not signing off from irc). ======Parameters:====== | $0 | the nickname of the person leaving the channel | | $1 | the channel left by the person | | $2 | the userhost of the person leaving the channel | | $3- | the reason the channel is left (on servers that support reasons) | ======Examples:====== To distinguish the client from other users leaving a channel: on ^part "*" { if ( [$0] == N ) { xecho -b You have left channel $1 ${[$3] ? [\($3-\)] : []} } { xecho -b $0 \($2\) has left channel $1 ${[$3] ? [\($3-\)] : []} } }