# $EPIC: pause.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/19 03:58:07 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __pause__ ======Description:====== __PAUSE__ performs a nonblocking sleep for seconds. During the nonblocking sleep, the client performs all actions as normal, except that __PAUSE__ will not return until seconds have elapsed. Because things might have occurred during the nonblocking sleep, it not guaranteed that everything is as it was when the __PAUSE__ started. Servers may have closed, the input line may have changed, dccs may have finished, etc. __PAUSE__ does not guarantee to return promptly -- in fact, it might not return at all (if the user does [[QUIT]] during the interval). If the user performs some blocking or recursive command during the interval, __PAUSE__ will not return until all blocking/recursive commands complete. This could be substantially longer than seconds. You don't want to use __PAUSE__ to stall for a certain amount of time before running a command if you need any sort of precision, because __PAUSE__ offers no guarantees when it will return. For running a command after a precise interval, use the [[TIMER]] command. Do not use __PAUSE__ as a substitute for [[WAIT]] because server requests offer absolutely no guarantees how long they might take. I have seen [[WHOIS]] requests take well in excess of 900 seconds to come back. must be a whole integer in EPIC4-1.1.1 and earlier. may be a decimal number in EPIC4-1.1.2 and later. ======History:====== The __PAUSE__ command first appeared in EPIC3.003. Support for sub-second resolution first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.2.