# $EPIC: set_switch_channels_between_windows.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/20 15:02:36 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[set]] switch_channels_between_windows [] ======Description:====== When ON: (default, historical ircII behavior) The [[bind switch channels|SWITCH_CHANNELS]] keybinding is permitted to "steal" non-current channels from other windows connected to the same server. This permits you to easily move channels from one window to another. When OFF: The [[bind switch channels|SWITCH_CHANNELS]] keybinding is forbidden from "stealing" other window's channels. This behavior is more popular with those who like to know that their channels will stay in the windows they are put in. ======History:====== [[SET]] __SWITCH_CHANNELS_BETWEEN_WINDOWS__ first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.12.