#$EPIC: setenv.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/29 18:22:56 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __setenv__ \\ __setenv__ - ======Description:====== In the first usage, __SETENV__ sets the environment variable to . This new value will be visible to all of the processes that you [[exec command|EXEC]]. In the second usage, the environment variable is unset (deleted), and is no longer visible to [[exec command|EXEC]] processes. Some systems (like Solaris) make changing and deleting environment variables painful. Upon these kinds of systems, EPIC may output a warning advising you that setting an environment variable will result in a memory leak which is unavoidable. These systems also do not have an easy way to unset environment variables. If you try, you will get a warning telling you this.