# $EPIC: usermode.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/20 17:37:08 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__usermode__([]) ======Technical:====== This function returns the client's current user mode for the specified server. It will accept either a server name or list number. If no server is given, the one for the current window is assumed. ======Practical:====== The information returned with this function is identical to the contents of [[set STATUS_UMODE|STATUS_UMODE]] in the status bar for the current server. It's useful for getting the current usermodes for hidden windows without switching to them. It is useful when used in conjunction with $[[winserv]](). ======Returns:====== user mode string for current server (nothing if bad server or no modes) ======Examples:====== $usermode() shows user mode for current server $usermode(2) shows user mode for server #2 $usermode(irc.blah.com) shows user mode on irc.blah.com $usermode(irc.fakeserver.com) no such server, returns nothing