# $EPIC: window_kill.txt,v 1.4 2012/07/04 06:30:23 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[window]] kill ======Description:====== This destroys the current window. If this is the last window connected to a server, the server is [[disconnect]]ed. A window can't be killed if: * The window is not [[window killable|killable]]. * It is the last [[window fixed|non-fixed]] window on a screen and there are no hidden windows to take its place. ======Process:====== * /[[ON WINDOW_BEFOREKILL]] is thrown first so your script can be warned. * If the window is the final window on the screen, it is swapped out * Otherwise, it is hidden (made invisible) * The window's scrollback and lastlog histories are deleted. * The window's queries and nicklist are deleted * The window's channels ARE NOT [[PART]]ED, they are moved to another window. * /[[ON WINDOW_KILL]] is thrown when the whole process is done. ======History:====== This operation was already present in ircII2.1.5g.