# $EPIC: window_last.txt,v 1.4 2007/08/05 13:49:54 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[window]] last ======Description:====== This operation is for split windows. The corresponding operation for hidden windows is [[window swap]] last. Each screen has a //current window// and a //last window//, where the //last window// is the window that was most recently the current window. This operation makes the //last window// the //current window//, and the //current window// the //last window//. A screen might not have a //last window// if you have removed the //last window// from the screen with [[window hide]] or [[window kill]] or anything like that. If a screen does not have a //last window//, then the top window on the screen is the //last window//. If the //current window// is the top window, and the screen does not have a //last window//, then this operation does nothing. ======Example:====== If you have three split windows on a screen, 1, 2, and 3, and window 2 is the current window, and you switch to window 3, window 2 is the //last window// and window 3 is the //current window//. If you do [[window last]] then window 3 is //last window// and window 2 is the //current window//.