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# $EPIC: asciiq.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/15 03:53:35 jnelson Exp $


$asciiq(<ctcp encoded character list>)


The asciiq function performs ctcp dequote on the arguments and then converts the resulting sequence of characters into a word list of codepoints. Because EPIC only supports latin-1 at this time, all of the codepoints are 0 to 255 (strictly 1 byte per codepoint). If in the future epic supports UTF8 or something like that, codepoints greater than 255 might be returned.

You can use the chrq function to convert a word list of codepoints into a sequence of characters. The same caveats about encoding applies.

By definition, the asciiq and chrq functions are symmetrically reverse operations of each other.

A ctcp quoted string is nominally 8 bit clean. You would usually have one of these strings from dcc raw that is in quoted mode, from chrq, or from readb.


The asciiq function first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8.