# $EPIC: join.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/29 18:22:56 sthalik Exp $


join [-invite|<channel list> [<key>]]
join (join channel you were invited to)
join <chan>[,<chan>] (comma separate multiple channels) [keys do not work with commas]
join channel <key> (will auto-prepend a # for you)
join #channel <key> (join a network channel)
join &channel <key> (join a local server channel)
join !channel <key> (join an IRCNet “id” channel)
join +channel (join an IRCNet “modeless” channel)
join 0 (part all channels)


When prefixed with two /'s, the JOIN command is the same as CHANNEL whose help file you should refer to.

When not prefixed with two /'s, the JOIN command is a friendly script alias that is loaded in the 2.8script script that is automatically loaded each time you use epic. You may delete or override this JOIN alias in your ~/.ircrc file if you so choose.

If you do not specify an option, the JOIN command will join the last channel to which you were invited. If you have not been invited to a channel, you will be told so.

You may specify a comma-separated list of one or more channels to join; each channel name so listed is treated as such:

A channel starting with #, (eg, #channel) will be joined
A channel starting with &, (eg, &channel) will be joined
A channel starting with !, (eg, !channel) will be joined
A channel starting with +, (eg, +channel) will be joined
The channel 0 will part all your channels
Any other channel name will be prefixed with a # and will be joined
  (eg, "foo" becomes "#foo")

You may not specify more than one channels and channel keys at the same time. This may be fixed in future JOIN aliases, but for now, you must use the CHANNEL command to join more than one channel at the same time that you specify a channel key. It may just be easier to join your keyed channels separately.