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timer -list
timer [see flags below] <seconds> <block>
timer -update [see flags below]
timer -delete <timerref>
timer -delete all


This command runs the <block> in the future after <seconds> seconds. You can have as many timers as you want. This command always returns immediately. If the client is busy in <seconds> seconds, then <block> runs as soon as it is not busy. Therefore, there are no guarantees exactly when <block> will run.

All timers have a unique reference name. You can specify a reference name with the -refnum option. If you do not, one will be created for you. The reference name can be any length. To delete a timer, use the -delete option with the reference name.

The -repeat option sets how many cycles of waiting and executing <block> should occur before the timer expires. If you repeat -1 times then the timer will repeat until you delete it (or the client exits).

The -cancel option specifies that the timer should not execute if the window or server it is bound to (see below) have gone away during the interval. By rule, non-cancelable timers cannot guarantee they will go off in the same window or server they were created in. If you need this guarantee, you must make the timer cancelable.

Server, Window, and General timers:

Each timer binds itself to either a window or a server, or neither. A timer that binds to a window is known as a window timer and a timer that binds to a server is known as a server timer. A timer that binds to neither is known as a general timer.

Each timer is either a server timer, a window timer or a general timer. A server timer is created when you do timer within an on that was caused by server data (such as an on public), or when you use the -server <server description> flag. A window timer is created when you do timer otherwise, or when you use the -window <window refnum> flag. A general timer is created only when you use the -general flag.

Just before a server timer executes <block>, the current server is set to the timer's server, and the current window is set to that server's current window. However, if the server has ceased to exist (you deleted it), and the timer is cancelable, the timer is silently canceled and does not execute. If the server has ceased to exist and the timer is not cancelable, the timer changes into a general timer.

A window timer works exactly the same, except the current window is set to the window the timer is bound to, and the current server is set to that window's server.

A general timer does not change the current window or current server before executing <block>. It is not possible to assume anything about the server you are connected to in a general timer.


-delete <timerref> delete the specified timer
-delete all delete all timers
-delete_for_window <winref> delete all pending timers for window <winref>
-list lists all timers (default action)
-refnum <name> create or update the timer with the given refname
-repeat <times> cycle through the timer <times> times before expiring
-cancelable The timer should not go off if window/server goes away
-update re-assign the timer with new values
-window <windesc> Indicates timer should change window before going off
-server <servdesc> Indicates timer should change server before going off
-general Indicates the timer should not change window or server


To create a reminder that X Files will be on in 10 minutes:

    timer 600 {
       echo *** X Files is on!
       echo *** Why are you still on irc?!

To assign a specific refnum to that timer:

    timer -ref 103 600 { ... }
    timer -ref foo 600 { ... }

To delete all pending timers:

    timer -del all

To create a general timer that isn't tied to a window or server:

    timer -g 15 { echo Hi! 15 seconds have gone by. }
