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#$EPIC: trace.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/20 17:37:08 sthalik Exp $


trace [<server>]


This asks your server to give you information about the route between your server and the specified server. It will show each server through which a message would pass on its way from you to the remote server.

This command also will display active connections on the specified server or the local server if no server is specified. Only server operators will be able to see all the connections to a server, normal users are shown a limited set which typically includes server operators and other servers. See the restrictions and privacy warnings below for more detail.


On many servers, server operators are notified when this command is used. On almost all servers, this provides server operators with a way to see all local users, regardless of the invisible user mode.


On many servers TRACE is restricted to server operators only. Where normal users are allowed to use the command, the output is limited to showing active IRC operators and server-server connections. TRACE may also be subject to rate limiting and truncated replies when used by normal users. Remote TRACE requests by server operators may receive the more limited output traditionally reserved for normal users.