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# $EPIC: window_targets.txt,v 1.1 2009/06/01 00:47:41 jnelson Exp $


This page discusses Window Target Lists and how they influence other things.


Each window has a list of “irc targets” which belong to that window. When a target is in a window's target list, all output regarding that target will be sent to that window. Usually an “irc target” is another user's nickname, but it can be anything that you can send a msg to.

Each target list has a “current target”, which is more well known as the window's “query”. The window's query is used in these places:

Modifying the target list:

Action Result
WINDOW QUERY nick Add a target to the list and make it the current target.
WINDOW QUERY Clear the window's target list. After this, the window will not have a query nick.
WINDOW ADD nick Add a target to the list, but do not make it the current target.

Important Concepts:

“Nick lists” are per-server.

Messages to or from a nickname will not be sent to a window that is connected to another server.

If a you assign a target to a window when it is already assigned somewhere else, it will be removed from the existing window for you (i.e., it is moved)

In the future, queries will be unified with channels and there will be no difference between a “current query” and “current channel”.