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# $EPIC: chr.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/29 20:58:41 jnelson Exp $


$chr(<list of codepoints>)


The chr function converts a word list of codepoints into a sequence of characters. Because EPIC only supports latin-1 at this time, only the codepoints 0 to 255 provide defined behavior. Other codepoints will yield one character per codepoint, but the character is undefined.

For backwards compatability, chr accepts the values (-1 to -128) to be equivalent to (128 to 255). This is not guaranteed in the future.

In the future, if epic supports utf8 or the like, codepoints outside of the range 0 to 255 would be supported.


/* assume iso8859-1 character set */
$chr(3)                            return a ^C (color change attribute)
$chr($ascii(abcABC))               returns "abcABC"