# $EPIC: line.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/30 19:53:48 sthalik Exp $
$line(<line> [<window>|-level] [-time] …)
This function retrieves data from the lastlog buffer.
<line> is the number of the line in the lastlog. 1 is the last line.
<window> is the window number of the lastlog buffer. It defaults to the current window. Only the last one specified is used.
If the given line doesn't exist, the empty string is returned.
Otherwise, the raw text of the line is returned.
If the -level flag has been given, the lastlog level of the message is appended to the return value.
If the -time flag has been given, the timestamp of the creation of given line is appended to the return value.
This function might be used to open URLs pasted to a channel or to
perform rot13 decryption or implement a feature that the LASTLOG
command doesn't have.
The raw text of the line (including formatting) is returned. The lastlog
level of the line is appended to the return value if -level has been