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# $EPIC: match.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 05:15:58 sthalik Exp $


$match(<pattern> <word list>)



This function can be used to match a pattern against a list of words to see if any of them match. Since ircII does not include the =~ operator, this was the standard way to do pattern matching of one pattern to one string in scripts. Also, since ircII does not include the findw function, this was the standard way to determine if a literal word was present in a literal word list. In many cases, the match function has been superseded by other functions that do the job better.


 0   no matches found
>0   index to first match in list -- counting from one!


$match(*oo* blah foo booya)                              returns 2
$match(*oo* blah fubar erf)                              returns 0


This function first appeared in ircII-2.1.5