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on [<modes>]flood [<serial#>] [-|^]<match> { <action> }


This hook is triggered whenever the client's internal flood control code is activated.

The client is “flooded” when it receives a many messages over a few seconds. This does not mean the other person actually sent a flood, because delays over irc can cause unintentional floods. So auto-kicking a flooder is a lame thing to do.


$0 nickname of the flooder
$1 type of flood detected
$2 the channel (if any) they're flooding
$3 the number of messages sent in this flood
$4- content of the flood message

Default behavior:

If you suppress this event, it will suppress the message causing the flood. Otherwise, if you have set flood_warning ON, it will suppress the message. Otherwise, flood messages receive no special handling.


To automatically ignore flooders for 10 seconds:

 on ^flood "*" {
    xecho -b $1 flooding detected by $0
    ignore $0 $1 timeout 10

To disable flood protection for network services:

 on flood ^'\\[X W NickServ ChanServ\\] *'