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# $EPIC: onchannel.txt,v 1.4 2006/08/19 03:35:12 sthalik Exp $


$onchannel() (First Action)
$onchannel(<channel>) (First Action)
$onchannel(<nick> <channel>) (Second Action)


First Action (list of channel members):

Second Action (is this person on this channel?):



First action: A word list containing the members of the specified channel, or the current channel. You must be on the channel. There are some circumstances where this may fail.

Second action: 1 if the specified user is on the specified channel, and 0 if they are not. You must be on the channel. Bugs in the historical server implementation may result in false negatives sometimes. There are some circumstances where this may fail.



The first action is the historical EPIC behavior and first appeared in the “+3” client (post-ircII, pre-EPIC). The ircII function $chanusers() is equivalent and first appeared around ircII-2.6. Support for $chanusers() was added to EPIC1.

The second action is the modern ircII behavior and first appeared around ircII-2.3.24. Support for this was added around EPIC1.