This is a set of scripts I wrote for TekNap (formerly BWap). They do a range of things including nick completion, flood protection, auto-response, fixed tabkey support, away message logging, and a wide variety of stuff for the higher user classes. HOW TO USE THESE SCRIPTS In order for these scripts to do anything, they must be loaded into the client's memory. This can be done with the /load command. Since each of these scripts is independent of the others, you have the choice of loading only the features you want. This can be done at any time from within the client by typing "/load ". Examples: /load /home/you/.TekNap/scripts/oper.tek /load ~/.TekNap/scripts/away.tek /load scripts/misc.tek Most people don't want to have to type this every single time they start TekNap. So loading the scripts automatically on startup through the .teknaprc file is usually the best way to go. This can be done a couple of different ways.. UNIX users put the following in ~/.teknaprc Windows users put the following in c:\TekNap\teknap-rc or teknap.rc Windows users also do not have a ~/.TekNap directory so I recommend something like c:\TekNap (//c/TekNap) Method 1: load ~/.TekNap/scripts/autoresponse.tek load ~/.TekNap/scripts/away.tek load ~/.TekNap/scripts/floodprot.tek ... --- Method 2: assign SCRIPT_DIR ~/.TekNap/scripts assign SCRIPTS away floodprot oper window fe ($SCRIPTS) file { load $SCRIPT_DIR/$file\.tek } --- The sample.teknaprc file included demonstrates method 2. WHAT'S IN THE SCRIPTS Just a note, the global variables (the ones in CAPS) that I will be using throughout these scripts can be changed using the /assign command. At some point I may write an interactive config, but until then, you must use /assign or change the variables in the actual script and reload it. [autoresponse] This script allows you to modify the appearance of publics containing a specific word or words. It also allows for an audible notification. NOTE: AUTO_RESPONSE_STR can contain multiple words separated by spaces. The script will look at each word on an individual basis and thus triggers when _any_ of the words are found, rather than all. I may change this later and store whole strings in an array. This will require an interface of some kind. Config Variables: Value: Description: AUTO_RESPONSE 0/1 Auto-response ON/OFF AUTO_RESPONSE_BEEP 0/1 Auto-response beep ON/OFF AUTO_RESPONSE_STR text string What triggers Auto-response [away] Your standard away system including public away notification, msg logging, and auto-away. Config Variables: Value: Description: AUTO_AWAY 0/1 Auto-away ON/OFF AUTO_AWAY_TIME int (seconds) Time before auto setting away AUTO_UNSET_AWAY 0/1 Auto-unset-away ON/OFF AWAY_LOG 0/1 Msg logging ON/OFF AWAY_LOGFILE filename Away logfile DEFAULT_AWAY_REASON text string Default away reason DEFAULT_BACK_REASON text string Default back reason PUBLIC_AWAY 0/1 Public away notice ON/OFF PUBLIC_AWAY_CHANNELS channel list Channels to notify. If this variable does not exist, all channels are notified. Commands: /away [reason] - Sets you as away for [reason] /back [reason] - Sets you as not away for [reason] /readlog - Read your away msgs /remlog - Remove logfile [bans] A whole bunch of ban related stuff. Commands: /ban [reason] - Places ban(s) /bankill [reason] - Places a ban and then kills each nick specified /banlist - Display the server banlist /bans - Same as /banlist /bk [reason] - Add channel ban and kick /cban [reason] - Add a channel ban /cbanclear - Clear a channels banlist /cbanlist [channel] - List a channels bans /ctban - Interactive channel ban remove /cunban [ban2] ... - Remove channel bans /tban - Interactive server ban remove /tempban [reason] - Temporary ban for /unban [nick2|IP2] ... - Remove ban(s) [floodprot] Standard flood protection. Config Variables: Value: Description: AUTO_IGNORE_TIME # of seconds How long to ignore the flooder FLOOD_EXEMPT list of nicks List of nicknames exempt from flood protection. FLOOD_PROTECTION 0/1 Flood protection ON/OFF Commands: /fprot [0|1|off|on] - Toggle flood protection /ignore [nick] - Add [nick] to ignore list /unignore [nick] - Remove [nick] from ignore list If you want to change what exactly triggers a flood, try '/set flood' from within TekNap. [functions] Some useful functions. Functions: checkuserclass() - Checks 's user class and returns a # accordingly. fparse( ) - Doesn't currently work. [misc] Miscellaneous stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Commands: /cme - Sends an action with colored text /csay - Sends a public with colored text /cycle [channel] - Leaves then re-joins a channel /links - Shortcut for /admin links /lusers - Shortcut for /admin stats /partall - Part ALL your current channels /pingme - Pings yourself /q - Shortcut for /query /quote - Shortcut for /raw /sv - Shortcut for /version /wi [nick2] ... - Perform a whois lookup on nick(s) Also included is a fix for Auto-rejoin on channel kick and on channel clear. Works with TekNap's internal /set AUTO_REJOIN [nickcomp] Auto-completes people's nicknames when addressing them in public channels. This was borrowed from my BitchX/EPIC4 script playdough. It was originally written by shade . Config Variables: Value: Description: NICK_COMP 0/1 Nick completion ON/OFF NICK_COMP_CHAR character Character to use with nick completion This is triggered when the first word you send is followed by a ":". For example.. Users on channel Lobby: You, Friend, SomeGuy Typing "fri: hi!" would send "Friend: hi!" Typing "omeg: get off my porch" would send "SomeGuy: get off my porch" Typing "anythingelse: nope" would send "anythingelse: nope" because no match was found. [oper] A bunch of stuff for Moderators+ Config Variables: Value: Description: AUTO_MUZZLE 0/1 Auto-muzzle ON/OFF AUTO_MUZZLE_TIME # of seconds Duration of muzzle OPERVIEW_SIZE # of rows Determines size of OperView window Commands: /automuzzle [0|1|off|on] - Toggles auto-muzzle /clevel <0|1|2|3|4> - Sets current channel's level to <#> /clones [server] - Checks for clones /mkill [reason] - Mass kills everything matching . Accepts wildcards. /operview - Toggles OperView /ov - Same as /operview /tmuzzle [reason] - Temporarily muzzles for /ulevel [level] - Changes 's level to [level] Note: If Auto-muzzle is enabled then the public flood protection will not ignore anyone flooding, but will attempt to muzzle them instead. [tabkey] This was just an attempt to fix BWap's broken msg history. Without this script BWap only keeps track of the last nick that msg'd you. This allows you to keep track of an unlimited amount of nicks. *NOTE* This has been fixed in the latest release of TekNap.. This script is no longer needed, and I recommend using the builtin tabkey stuff. Config Variables: Value: Description: MAX_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE # How many nicks to keep in the msg history Just press your Tab key to use this. Note: loading this script will disable all builtin tabkey functions such as filename and command completion. [window] Some very simple, but useful, window related aliases. Commands: /swap [winnum] - Swap to a different window /wc - Create a new hidden double statbar window /wj - Creates a new window (/wc) and joins /wk - Kills the current window /wl - Shortcut for /window last /wn - Shortcut for /window next /wp - Shortcut for /window previous That's it for now.. I'll try to keep this file updated as often as possible. Let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for these scripts. Enjoy.. Brian Weiss