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# $EPIC: index.txt,v 1.2 2007/03/02 02:32:04 jnelson Exp $
$index(<characters> <text>)
- The <characters> argument is a dword. This is different from most functions.
- <characters> may contain any number of different characters. If you want to include the space character, enclose <characters> in double quotes. If you want to include the double-quote character, then put some other character before it that won't be in <text>.
- If the first character in <characters> is the caret (“^”), then the list of <characters> is negated; <characters> includes all characters that are NOT after the caret.
- Counting begins after the first space after <characters>. If multiple spaces separate <characters> and <text>, only the first such space is the separator; further spaces are part of <text> for the purpose of counting.
- The return value is the number of initial characters in <text> that are NOT any of the characters specified by <characters>; the position of the first instance of any character in <characters> in the string <text>, counting from zero.
- If none of the characters in <characters> appears in <text> (a failed search), then -1 is returned.
It used to be common to use $index() to find a character in a string so that you could extract the parts of the string before and after the character. This is more easily done by $before() and $after() though.
-1 no character in <characters> was found in <text> > -1 index to first instance of something in <characters> in <text>
This function originally appeared in ircII.
$index(abc hello there bob) returns 12 $index(abc hello there bob) returns 14 (because of the spaces after 'c' and before 'h') $index(xyz hello there bob) returns -1 $index() returns the empty string
index.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/02 02:32 by