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# $EPIC: indextoword.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/01 03:47:40 sthalik Exp $


$indextoword(<position> <text>)


  • If the <position> argument is omitted the empty string is returned.
  • If the <position> argument is a negative number the empty string is returned.
  • If the <text> argument is omitted the empty string is returned.
  • If the length of <text> is less than <position> the empty string is returned.
  • Otherwise, the return value returns a value suitable for use with the $word() function (or other word functions) representing the word that contains the <position>th character which should be a value returned by $index() or the like.
  • Remember that <position> counts from zero!
  • Remember that the return value counts from zero!


The most obvious application of this function is to find the word on the input line underneath the cursor. $L is the contents of the input line and $curpos() tells you where the cursor is; you can then use something like this:

$word($indextoword($curpos() $L) $L)

to extract the word “underneath” the cursor. This is the fundamental mechanics of how tab completion scripts know what to complete.


A number suitable for use with the word manipulation functions that represents the word that contains the <position>th character in <text>. Both <position> and the return value count from zero.


$word($indextoword($curpos() $L) $L)   returns the word under the cursor
@ foo = [one two. three.]
$indextoword($index(. $foo) $foo)      returns 1 (the . in ``two.'')
$indextoword($rindex(. $foo) $foo)     returns 2 (the . in ``three.'')
$indextoword(100 testing)              returns the empty string
indextoword.txt · Last modified: 2006/08/01 04:13 by