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# $EPIC: pad.txt,v 1.3 2007/03/02 02:32:04 jnelson Exp $
$pad(<width> <char> <text>)
- The <char> argument is a dword which is different from most function arguments.
- If the <width> argument is omitted the empty string is returned.
- If the <char> argument is omitted the empty string is returned.
- The <width> argument may be positive or negative.
- Although the <char> argument can be a string, only the first character is actually used.
- If the absolute value of <width> is less than the length of <text>, then <text> is returned.
- If <width> is negative, then the return value is “neccesary repetitions” of the first character in <char> prepended to <text>.
- If <width> is positive, then the return value is “neccesary repetitions” of the first character in <char> appended to <text>.
This function is especially useful for forcing strings to a minimum length, possibly for a script that hooks and displays a /names reply.
<text> padded with a number of <char>s until its length is <length>
$pad(8 ! test) returns "test!!!!"
This function first appeared in EPIC4pre1.046
pad.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/19 00:53 by